
Capture Manager SDK


StreamControlXMLDocument – it is XML document which defines CaptureManager stream control factories.

Node "StreamControlNodeFactories" is declaration of the root XML node.
Node "StreamControlNodeFactory" is declaration of one node of stream control factory. Attribute "Name" defines symbolic name of stream control factory, attribute "GUID" defines unique GUID of stream control factory, attribute "Title" defines friendly description of stream control factor, attribute "OutputPortCountConstant" defines flexibility changing of output port amount, attribute "InputPortCountConstant" defines flexibility changing of input port amount. Node "Value.ValueParts" is root node of value list. Node "ValuePart" defines ports of stream control. It has attribute "Title" defines friendly description of value, attribute "Value" defines value, attribute "IsPortCountConstant" defines is changable amount of ports or not.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!--XML Document of stream control node factories-->
<StreamControlNodeFactory Name="" GUID="" Title="" OutputPortCountConstant="" InputPortCountConstant="">
<ValuePart Title="Count of input ports" Value="" IsPortCountConstant=""/>
<ValuePart Title="Count of output ports" Value="" IsPortCountConstant=""/>