Box2D: b2PolygonShape Class Reference


b2PolygonShape Class Reference

A convex polygon. More...

Inheritance diagram for b2PolygonShape:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool TestPoint (const b2XForm &transform, const b2Vec2 &p) const
See also:

bool TestSegment (const b2XForm &transform, float32 *lambda, b2Vec2 *normal, const b2Segment &segment, float32 maxLambda) const
See also:

void ComputeAABB (b2AABB *aabb, const b2XForm &transform) const
See also:

void ComputeSweptAABB (b2AABB *aabb, const b2XForm &transform1, const b2XForm &transform2) const
See also:

void ComputeMass (b2MassData *massData) const
See also:

const b2OBBGetOBB () const
 Get the oriented bounding box relative to the parent body.
const b2Vec2GetCentroid () const
 Get local centroid relative to the parent body.
int32 GetVertexCount () const
 Get the vertex count.
const b2Vec2GetVertices () const
 Get the vertices in local coordinates.
const b2Vec2GetCoreVertices () const
 Get the core vertices in local coordinates.
const b2Vec2GetNormals () const
 Get the edge normal vectors. There is one for each vertex.
b2Vec2 GetFirstVertex (const b2XForm &xf) const
 Get the first vertex and apply the supplied transform.
b2Vec2 Centroid (const b2XForm &xf) const
 Get the centroid and apply the supplied transform.
b2Vec2 Support (const b2XForm &xf, const b2Vec2 &d) const
 Get the support point in the given world direction.


class b2Shape

Detailed Description

A convex polygon.

Member Function Documentation

const b2Vec2 * b2PolygonShape::GetCoreVertices (  )  const [inline]

Get the core vertices in local coordinates.

These vertices represent a smaller polygon that is used for time of impact computations.

b2Vec2 b2PolygonShape::Support ( const b2XForm xf,
const b2Vec2 d 
) const

Get the support point in the given world direction.

Use the supplied transform.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • b2PolygonShape.h
  • b2PolygonShape.cpp

Generated on Sun Apr 13 15:21:27 2008 for Box2D by  doxygen 1.5.4