Box2D Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:b2AABB | An axis aligned bounding box |
b2Body | A rigid body |
b2BodyDef | A body definition holds all the data needed to construct a rigid body |
b2BoundaryListener | This is called when a body's shape passes outside of the world boundary |
b2CircleDef | This structure is used to build circle shapes |
b2CircleShape | A circle shape |
b2Color | Color for debug drawing. Each value has the range [0,1] |
b2Contact | The class manages contact between two shapes |
b2ContactEdge | A contact edge is used to connect bodies and contacts together in a contact graph where each body is a node and each contact is an edge |
b2ContactFilter | Implement this class to provide collision filtering |
b2ContactID | Contact ids to facilitate warm starting |
b2ContactID::Features | The features that intersect to form the contact point |
b2ContactListener | Implement this class to get collision results |
b2ContactPoint | This structure is used to report contact points |
b2ContactResult | This structure is used to report contact point results |
b2DebugDraw | Implement and register this class with a b2World to provide debug drawing of physics entities in your game |
b2DestructionListener | Joints and shapes are destroyed when their associated body is destroyed |
b2DistanceJoint | A distance joint constrains two points on two bodies to remain at a fixed distance from each other |
b2DistanceJointDef | Distance joint definition |
b2FilterData | This holds contact filtering data |
b2GearJoint | A gear joint is used to connect two joints together |
b2GearJointDef | Gear joint definition |
b2Joint | The base joint class |
b2JointDef | Joint definitions are used to construct joints |
b2JointEdge | A joint edge is used to connect bodies and joints together in a joint graph where each body is a node and each joint is an edge |
b2Manifold | A manifold for two touching convex shapes |
b2ManifoldPoint | A manifold point is a contact point belonging to a contact manifold |
b2MassData | This holds the mass data computed for a shape |
b2Mat22 | A 2-by-2 matrix. Stored in column-major order |
b2MouseJoint | A mouse joint is used to make a point on a body track a specified world point |
b2MouseJointDef | Mouse joint definition |
b2OBB | An oriented bounding box |
b2PolygonDef | Convex polygon |
b2PolygonShape | A convex polygon |
b2PrismaticJoint | A prismatic joint |
b2PrismaticJointDef | Prismatic joint definition |
b2PulleyJoint | The pulley joint is connected to two bodies and two fixed ground points |
b2PulleyJointDef | Pulley joint definition |
b2RevoluteJoint | A revolute joint constrains to bodies to share a common point while they are free to rotate about the point |
b2RevoluteJointDef | Revolute joint definition |
b2Segment | A line segment |
b2Shape | A shape is used for collision detection |
b2ShapeDef | A shape definition is used to construct a shape |
b2Sweep | This describes the motion of a body/shape for TOI computation |
b2Vec2 | A 2D column vector |
b2Version | Version numbering scheme |
b2World | The world class manages all physics entities, dynamic simulation, and asynchronous queries |
b2XForm | A transform contains translation and rotation |
Generated on Sun Apr 13 15:21:27 2008 for Box2D by