ADO Internet Publishing Sample

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)

ADO Internet Publishing Sample

MSDAIPP demonstrates how to use ADO Record and Stream objects with semi-structured data using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing. It is installed to c:\Platform SDK\Samples\DataAccess\ado\MSDAIPP.


  1. Open the project Msdaipp.vbp in Microsoft Visual Basic.

  2. Modify the line in the Form_Load sub-procedure of form1.frm that refers to your server. Replace the value of the string "http://MyServer/DAVfs/" with the name of your Web server and the path to a file store. Your Web server must support either the FrontPage Web Extender Client (WEC) or Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol extensions.

  3. From the Run menu, choose Start with Full Compile.