
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)



Specifies options for opening a Record. These values may be combined by using OR.

Constant Value Description
adDelayFetchFields 0x8000 Indicates to the provider that the fields associated with the Record need not be retrieved initially, but can be retrieved at the first attempt to access the field. The default behavior, indicated by the absence of this flag, is to retrieve all the Record object fields.
adDelayFetchStream 0x4000 Indicates to the provider that the default stream associated with the Record need not be retrieved initially. The default behavior, indicated by the absence of this flag, is to retrieve the default stream associated with the Record object.
adOpenAsync 0x1000 Indicates that the Record object is opened in asynchronous mode.
adOpenRecordUnspecified -1 Default. Indicates no options are specified.
adOpenSource 0x800000 Indicates that if the source points to a node that contains an executable script (such as an .ASP page), then a Record containing the source is opened rather than the executed contents. This value is only valid with non-collection records.

ADO/WFC Equivalent

These constants do not have ADO/WFC equivalents.