Procedures Append Method Example (VB)
The following code demonstrates how to use a Command object and the Procedures collection Append method to create a new procedure in the underlying data source.
Sub CreateProcedure()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
' Open the Connection
cnn.Open _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\" & _
' Create the parameterized command (Microsoft Jet specific)
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd.CommandText = "PARAMETERS [CustId] Text;" & _
"Select * From Customers Where CustomerId = [CustId]"
' Open the Catalog
Set cat.ActiveConnection = cnn
' Create the new Procedure
cat.Procedures.Append "CustomerById", cmd
End Sub