EOS and LineSeparator Properties and SkipLine Method Example (VB)
This example demonstrates how to manipulate text streams one line at a time. The effect of changing the line separator from the default carriage return/linefeed (adCRLF) to simply linefeed (adLF) or carriage return (adCR) is shown.
Public Sub SkipLineX()
'Declare variables
Dim i As Integer
Dim objStream As Stream
Dim strLine, strChar As String
'Instantiate and open stream
Set objStream = New Stream
'Set line separator to line feed
objStream.LineSeparator = adLF
'Load text content of list box into stream
'One line at a time
For i = 0 To (List1.ListCount - 1)
objStream.WriteText List1.List(i), adWriteLine
'Display the entire stream
Debug.Print "Whole Stream:"
objStream.Position = 0
Debug.Print objStream.ReadText
'Display the first line
Debug.Print "First Line:"
objStream.Position = 0
strLine = objStream.ReadText(adReadLine)
Debug.Print strLine
Debug.Print "Line length: " + str(Len(strLine))
'Skip a line, then display another line
Debug.Print "Third Line:"
strLine = objStream.ReadText(adReadLine)
Debug.Print strLine
Debug.Print "Line length: " + str(Len(strLine))
'Switch line separator to carriage return
'All items from list will be considered one line
'Assuming no CRs have been loaded into stream
Debug.Print "Whole Stream/First Line:"
objStream.Position = 0
objStream.LineSeparator = adCR
strLine = objStream.ReadText(adReadLine)
Debug.Print strLine
Debug.Print "Line length: " + str(Len(strLine))
Debug.Print "Stream size: " + str(objStream.Size)
'Use EOS to Determine End of Stream
Debug.Print "Character by character:"
objStream.Position = 0
Do Until objStream.EOS
strChar = objStream.ReadText(1)
Debug.Print strChar
End Sub