Members Example (VBScript)

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)

Members Example (VBScript)

This sample uses an MDX query string to retrieve OLAP data and writes the resulting cellset to an HTML table structure using column spanning features for multiple-dimension cellsets.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'*** Active Server Page displays OLAP data from default or provided
'*** MDX Query string and writes resulting cell set to HTML table
'*** structure. This ASP provides colspan features for multiple
'*** dimension cell sets.
<meta NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<body bgcolor="Ivory">
<font FACE="Verdana">


Dim cat,cst,i,j,strSource,csw,LevelValue,intDC0,intDC1,intPC0, intPC1
'*** Gather Server Name and MDX Query Strings from text box and
'*** text area and assign them to Session Objects of same name

'*** Set Connection Objects for Multi dimensional Catalog and Cell Set
Set cat = Server.CreateObject("ADOMD.Catalog")
Set cst = Server.CreateObject("ADOMD.CellSet")

'*** Check to see if the Session Object Server Name is present
'*** If present then: Create Active Connection using Server Name
'*** and MSOLAP as connection Provider
'*** If not present then: Use default settings of a known OLAP Server
'*** for Server Name for Connection Set Server Name Session Object
'*** to default value
If Len(Session("ServerName")) > 0 Then
    cat.ActiveConnection = "Data Source=" & Session("ServerName") & _
        ";Initial Catalog=" & Session("InitialCatalog") & _

'*** Must set OLAPServerName to OLAP Server that is
'*** present on network
    OLAPServerName = "Please set to present OLAP Server"
    cat.ActiveConnection = "Data Source=" & OLAPServerName & _
        ";Initial Catalog=FoodMart;Provider=msolap;"
    Session("ServerName") = OLAPServerName
    Session("InitialCatalog") = "FoodMart"
End if
'*** Check to see if the Session Object MDXQuery is present
'*** If present then: Set strSource using MDXQuery Session Object
'*** If not present then: Use default MDX Query string of a known query
'*** that works with default server Set MDXQuery Session Object to 
'*** default value
If Len(Session("MDXQuery")) < 5 Then
    strSource = strSource & "SELECT "
    strSource = strSource & "CROSSJOIN({[Store].[Store Country].MEMBERS},"
    strSource = strSource & "{[Measures].[Store " & _
        "Invoice],[Measures].[Supply Time]}) ON COLUMNS,"
    strSource = strSource & "CROSSJOIN({[Time].[Year].MEMBERS},"
    strSource = strSource & "CROSSJOIN({[Store Type].[Store " & _
        "Type].Members},{[Product].[Product Family].members})) ON ROWS"
    strSource = strSource & " FROM Warehouse"
    strSource = Session("MDXQuery")
End if

'*** Set Cell Set Source property to strSource to be passed on cell set 
'*** open method
    cst.Source = strSource

'*** Set Cell Sets Active connection to use the current Catalogs Active 
'*** connection
Set cst.ActiveConnection = cat.ActiveConnection

'*** Using Open method, Open cell set

'*** Standard HTML to collect Sever Name and MDX Query Information
'*** Note that post action posts back to same page to process
'*** thus using state of Session Variables to change look of page
<form action="ASPADOComplex.asp" method="POST" id="form1" name="form1">
<tr><td align="left">
<b>Olap Server name:</b><br><input type="text" id="strServerName" name="strServerName" value="<%=Session("ServerName")%>" size="20">
<b>Catalog name:</b><br><input type="text" id="strInitialCatalog" name="strInitialCatalog" value="<%=Session("InitialCatalog")%>" size="20">
</td><td align="center">
<b>MDX Query:</b><br>
<textarea rows="7" cols="70" id="textareaMDX" name="MDXQuery" wrap="soft">
<input type="submit" value="Submit MDX Query" id="submit1" name="submit1">
<input type="reset" value="Reset" id="reset1" name="reset1">
<p align="left">
<font color="Black" size="-3">
'*** Set Dimension Counts minus 1 for Both Axes to intDC0, intDC1
'*** Set Position Counts minus 1 for Both Axes to intPC0, intPC1
intDC0 = cst.Axes(0).DimensionCount-1
intDC1 = cst.Axes(1).DimensionCount-1

intPC0 = cst.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1
intPC1 = cst.Axes(1).Positions.Count - 1

'*** Create HTML Table structure to hold MDX Query return Record set
Response.Write "<Table width=100% border=1>"

'*** Loop to create Column header for all Dimensions based
'*** on Count of Dimensions for Axes(0)
For h=0 to intDC0
    Response.Write "<TR>"

'*** Loop to create spaces in front of Column headers
'*** to align with Row headers
    For c=0 to intDC1
        Response.Write "<TD></TD>"

'*** Check current dimension to see if equal to Last Dimension
'*** If True: Write Table header titles normally to HTML output with out 
'*** ColSpan value 
'*** If False: Write Table header titles with ColSpan values to HTML 
'*** output
    If h = intDC0 then

'*** Iterate through Axes(0) Positions writing member captions to table 
'*** header
        For i = 0 To intPC0
            Response.Write "<TH>"
            Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
            Response.Write cst.Axes(0).Positions(i).Members(h).Caption
            Response.Write "</FONT>"
            Response.Write "</TH>"

'*** Iterate through Axes(0) Positions writing member captions to table 
'*** header taking into account for the span of columns for duplicate 
'*** member captions
        CaptionCount = 1
        LastCaption = cst.Axes(0).Positions(0).Members(h).Caption
        Response.Write "<TH"
        For t=1 to intPC0

'*** Check to see if LastCaption is equal to current members caption
'*** If True: Add one to CaptionCount to increase Colspan value
'*** If False: Write Table header titles with ColSpan values to HTML 
'*** output using current CaptionCount for Colspan and LastCaption for 
'*** header string
            If LastCaption = _
                cst.Axes(0).Positions(t).Members(h).Caption then
                CaptionCount = CaptionCount+1

'*** Check if at last position
'*** If True: Write HTML to finish table row using current
'*** CaptionCount and LastCaption
                If t = intPC0 then
                    Response.Write " colspan=" & CaptionCount & _
                        "><FONT size=-2>" & LastCaption & "</FONT></TH>"
                End if

                Response.Write " colspan=" & CaptionCount & _
                    "><FONT size=-2>" & LastCaption & "</FONT></TH><TH"
                CaptionCount = 1
            End if
            End if
            Response.Write "</TR>"

'*** Iterate through Axes(1) Positions first writing member captions 
'*** to table row headers then writing cell set data to table structure
        Dim aryRows()
        Dim intArray,Marker

'*** Set value of Array for row header formatting
        For a=1 To intDC1
            intArray = intArray+(intPC1+1)
        intArray = intArray-1
        ReDim aryRows(intArray)

'*** Use Array values for row header formatting to provide
'*** spaces under beginning row header titles
        For j = 0 To intPC1
            Response.Write "<TR>"
            For h=0 to intDC1
                If h=intDC1 then
                    Response.Write "<TD><B>"
                    Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
                    Response.Write cst.Axes(1).Positions(j).Members(h).Caption
                    Response.Write "</FONT>"
                    Response.Write "</B></TD>"
                    aryRows(Marker) = _
                    If Marker < intDC1 then
                        Response.Write "<TD><B>"
                        Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
                        Response.Write _
                        Response.Write "</FONT>"
                        Response.Write "</B></TD>"
                        Marker = Marker + 1
                        If aryRows(Marker) = aryRows(Marker - intDC1) then
                            Response.Write "<TD>&nbsp;</TD>"
                            Marker = Marker + 1
                            Response.Write "<TD><B>"
                            Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
                            Response.Write _
                            Response.Write "</FONT>"
                            Response.Write "</B></TD>"
                            Marker = Marker + 1
                        End if
                    End if
                End if

'*** Alternates Cell background color
            If (j+1) Mod 2 = 0 Then
                csw = "#cccccc"
                csw = "#ccffff"
            End If
            For k = 0 To intPC0
                Response.Write "<TD align=right bgcolor="
                Response.Write csw
                Response.Write ">"
                Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"

'*** FormattedValue property pulls data
                Response.Write cst(k, j).FormattedValue
                Response.Write "</FONT>"
                Response.Write "</TD>"
            Response.Write "</TR>"
        Response.Write "</Table>"
