Read, ReadText, Write, and WriteText Methods Example (VB)

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)

Read, ReadText, Write, and WriteText Methods Example (VB)

This example demonstrates how to read the contents of a text box into both a text Stream and a binary Stream. Other properties and methods shown include Position, Size, Charset, and SetEOS.

Public Sub ReadX()
    'Declare variables
    Dim objStream As Stream
    Dim varA As Variant
    Dim bytA() As Byte
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim strBytes As String
    'Instantiate and Open Stream
    Set objStream = New Stream
    'Write the text content of a textbox to the stream
    objStream.WriteText Text1.Text
    'Display the text contents and size of the stream
    objStream.Position = 0
    Debug.Print "Default text:"
    Debug.Print objStream.ReadText
    Debug.Print objStream.Size
    'Switch character set and display
    objStream.Position = 0
    objStream.Charset = "Windows-1252"
    Debug.Print "New Charset text:"
    Debug.Print objStream.ReadText
    Debug.Print objStream.Size
    'Switch to a binary stream and display
    objStream.Position = 0
    objStream.Type = adTypeBinary
    Debug.Print "Binary:"
    Debug.Print objStream.Read
    Debug.Print objStream.Size
    'Load an array of bytes with the text box text
    ReDim bytA(Len(Text1.Text))
    For i = 1 To Len(Text1.Text)
        bytA(i - 1) = CByte(Asc(Mid(Text1.Text, i, 1)))
    'Write the buffer to the binary stream and display
    objStream.Position = 0
    objStream.Write bytA()
    objStream.Position = 0
    Debug.Print "Binary after Write:"
    Debug.Print objStream.Read
    Debug.Print objStream.Size
    'Switch back to a text stream and display
    Debug.Print "Translated back:"
    objStream.Position = 0
    objStream.Type = adTypeText
    Debug.Print objStream.ReadText
    Debug.Print objStream.Size
End Sub