Specifies the group of records to be filtered from a Recordset.
Constant | Value | Description |
adFilterAffectedRecords | 2 | Filters for viewing only records affected by the last Delete, Resync, UpdateBatch, or CancelBatch call. |
adFilterConflictingRecords | 5 | Filters for viewing the records that failed the last batch update. |
adFilterFetchedRecords | 3 | Filters for viewing the records in the current cache—that is, the results of the last call to retrieve records from the database. |
adFilterNone | 0 | Removes the current filter and restores all records for viewing. |
adFilterPendingRecords | 1 | Filters for viewing only records that have changed but have not yet been sent to the server. Applicable only for batch update mode. |
ADO/WFC Equivalent
Constant |
AdoEnums.FilterGroup.AFFECTEDRECORDS |
AdoEnums.FilterGroup.FETCHEDRECORDS |
AdoEnums.FilterGroup.NONE |
AdoEnums.FilterGroup.PENDINGRECORDS |