DeleteRecord and MoveRecord Methods Example (VB)

Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)

DeleteRecord and MoveRecord Methods Example (VB)

This example demonstrates how to copy, move, edit, and delete the contents of a text file published to a Web folder. Other properties and methods used include GetChildren, ParentURL, Source, and Flush.

Public Sub DeleteRecordX()
    'Declare and instantiate object variables
    Dim objFileR As Record
    Dim objDestFolderR As Record
    Dim objDestFileR As Record
    Dim objDestFolderRS As Recordset
    Dim objStream As Stream
    Set objFileR = New Record
    Set objDestFolderR = New Record
    Set objDestFileR = New Record
    Set objDestFolderRS = New Recordset
    Set objStream = New Stream
    'Open a Record on a text file
    objFileR.Open "", "URL=http://websrv/folder/file.txt", _
        adModeReadWrite, adOpenIfExists Or adCreateNonCollection
    'Edit the contents of the text file
    MsgBox "Edit"
    objStream.Open objFileR, , adOpenStreamFromRecord
    Debug.Print "Source: " + objFileR.Source
    Debug.Print "Original text: " + objStream.ReadText
    objStream.Position = 0
    objStream.WriteText "New Text"
    objStream.Position = 0
    Debug.Print "New text: " + objStream.ReadText
    'Reopen Record to see new contents of text file
    objFileR.Open "file.txt", "URL=http://websrv/folder/", _
        adModeReadWrite, adOpenIfExists Or adCreateNonCollection
    objStream.Open objFileR, adModeReadWrite, adOpenStreamFromRecord
    Debug.Print "Source: " + objFileR.Source
    Debug.Print "Edited text: " + objStream.ReadText
    'Copy the file to a subfolder
    MsgBox "Copy"
    objFileR.CopyRecord , _
        "URL=http://websrv/folder/subfolder/file.txt", , , _
    'Delete the original file
    MsgBox "Delete"
    'Move the file from the subfolder back to original location
    MsgBox "Move Back"
    objDestFolderR.Open "", "URL=http://websrv/folder/subfolder/", , _
        adOpenIfExists Or adCreateCollection
    Set objDestFolderRS = objDestFolderR.GetChildren
    'Position current record at on the correct file
    Do While Not _
        (objDestFolderRS.EOF Or (objDestFolderRS(0) = "file.txt"))
    'Open a Record on the currect row of the Recordset
    objDestFileR.Open objDestFolderRS
    'Do the move
    objDestFileR.MoveRecord , objDestFolderR.ParentURL + "/file.txt" _
        , , , adMoveOverWrite 'objDestFolderR.ParentURL
    MsgBox "All done"
End Sub