Step 4: Populate the Details Text Box
To populate the Details text box:
Create a new Sub routine named recFields and insert the following code:
Sub recFields(r As Record, l As ListBox, t As TextBox)
Dim f As Field
Dim s As Stream
Set s = New Stream
Dim str As String
For Each f In r.Fields
l.AddItem f.Name & ": " & f.Value
t.Text = ""
If r!RESOURCE_CONTENTCLASS = "text/plain" Then
s.Open r, adModeRead, adOpenStreamFromRecord
str = s.ReadText(1)
s.Position = 0
If Asc(Mid(str, 1, 1)) = 63 Then '//63 = "?"
s.Charset = "ascii"
s.Type = adTypeText
End If
t.Text = s.ReadText(adReadAll)
End If
End Sub
This code populates lstDetails with the fields and values of the simple record passed to recFields. If the resource is a text file, a text Stream is opened from the resource record. The code determines if the character set is ASCII and copies the Stream contents into txtDetails.