DataMember Property
Indicates the name of the data member that will be retrieved from the object referenced by the DataSource property.
Settings and Return Values
Sets or returns a String value. The name is not case sensitive.
This property is used to create data-bound controls with the Data Environment. The Data Environment maintains collections of data (data sources) containing named objects (data members) that will be represented as a Recordset object.
The DataMember and DataSource properties must be used in conjunction.
The DataMember property determines which object specified by the DataSource property will be represented as a Recordset object. The Recordset object must be closed before this property is set. An error is generated if the DataMember property isn't set before the DataSource property, or if the DataMember name isn't recognized by the object specified in the DataSource property.
Dim rs as New ADODB.Recordset
rs.DataMember = "Command" 'Name of the rowset to bind to
Set rs.DataSource = myDE 'Name of the object containing an IRowset