Required ItemSearch Parameters Service=AWSECommerceService& AWSAccessKeyId=[AWS Access Key ID]
& Operation=ItemSearch
& SearchIndex=Books&Keywords=Saving%20Miss&20Oliver's
In this request, ItemSearch
looks for "Saving Miss
Oliver's" in the titles and descriptions of all of the items in the Books
search index. The response would include all matches.
The previous example used the Keywords
parameter as the second parameter, which is one of the most popular parameters to
use. The following list shows all of the ItemSearch
that you could have used instead.
A cursory look at the list of parameters shows you that most are very specific, which makes it easy to determine whether or not they should be used in a request. The Publisher parameter, for example, is used only to specify the publisher of a book. Once you know the item you are looking for, choosing which parameter to use becomes easy.