Seller Response Group
The Seller response group returns information about sellers, including the seller ID, nickname, seller rating, and location for each seller in the response.
This response group is often used with SellerLookup to display comprehensive information about the seller.
Response Elements
The following table describes the elements returned by Seller.
Seller also returns the elements that all response groups return, which is described in Elements Common to All Response Groups.
Parent Response Group
The following response groups are parent response groups of Seller.
Child Response Group
The following response groups are child response groups of Seller.
Sample REST Use Case
The following request was used to illustrate the XML response elements returned by Seller. Service=AWSECommerceService& AWSAccessKeyId=[AWS Access Key ID]
& Operation=SellerLookup& SellerId=[Seller ID]
& ResponseGroup=Seller& Version=2007-10-29
Sample Response Snippet
The following response snippet shows the elements returned by Seller.
<SellerId>[Seller ID]
<SellerLegalName>, LLC</SellerLegalName>
<GlancePage> a glance.html?seller=ATVPDKIKX0DER&marketplaceSeller=1</GlancePage>
<Comment>As clearly indicated above, I ordered "How to Do Everything with Windows XP Home Networking" by Dave Field, but received instead "How to Do Everything with Windows XP" by Curt Simmons, a totally different book, for which I have no use.</Comment>
<Date>2006 06 01T01:58+0000</Date>