The second segment of a response is always the Operation Request. For the most
part, it returns the operation's parameters, called arguments, that were
used in the request. There is, however, some additional information. The first large
subsection is the HTTPHeader section, which specifies the network agent used to send
the request. Typically, the agent, called the user agent, is a web browser and the
information returned describes that browser, such as its name, version, and the
operating system of its host.
The second large subsection contains the arguments, or operation parameters, used
in the request. These values are unprocessed echoes of the values submitted in the
request. This information is echoed for the benefit of troubleshooting requests.
Finally, interspersed around the large subsections in the Operation Request
segment is Product Advertising API processing information, including the
Request ID and the time it took to process the request. This is interesting
information for troubleshooting. You will not, however, have to use either the
Request ID or the processing time in future requests.