Response Elements
This chapter provides a description of all response elements. In the Ancestry paragraphs, the elements on the left side of a slash mark are the parents of the elements on the right side of the slash mark.
Response Element |
Definition |
Describes the seller. Ancestry: Seller/About |
Information a customer supplies about themselves Ancestry: Seller/About |
Actor associated with the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
For baby registries, this field is used for the name of the other parent. Ancestry: List/AdditionalName |
Street address Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Address Offers/Offer/OfferListing/Address1 |
Street address Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Address Offers/Offer/OfferListing/Address2 |
Street address Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Address Offers/Offer/OfferListing/Address3 |
Container for AlternateVersion information, including ASIN, Title, and Binding. Ancestry: None |
Maximum age in months of the person who will enjoy the item. For example, a book might be targeted at kids up to three years old. Three would be the value for the MaximumAge. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Youngest age in months that a person should be to use the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Price in terms of the lowest currency denomination, for example, pennies. The price, in terms of the lowest currency denomination, for example, pennies, of an item in the cart. The total price, in terms of the lowest currency denomination, of one or more of the same item in the Saved For Later area. If, for example, Saved For Later contains two orders of the same book, this amount would be the sum total of those two books. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/ListPrice OfferSummary/LowestUsedPrice OfferSummary/LowestCollectiblePrice OfferSummary/LowestNewPrice OfferSummary/LowestRefurbishedPrice/Amount Offers/Offer/OfferListing/Price/Amount Offers/Offer/OfferListing/SalePrice/Amount Transaction/TransactionItems/TransactionItem/UnitPrice VariationSummary/LowestPrice VariationSummary/HighestSalePrice |
Aperture modes associated with items that have lenses. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Artist associated with the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A positive integer distributed by Amazon that uniquely identifies an item. ASIN of the new release, item, or similar item Ancestry: Item/ASIN CartItem SavedForLaterItem Cart/NewReleases/NewRelease NewReleases/NewRelease/ASIN OtherCategoriesSimilarProduct/ASIN SimilarProduct SimilarViewedProduct, CustomerReviews/Review |
The ratio of an item's length to its width. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Audience rating for a movie. The rating suggests the age for which the movie is appropriate. The rating format varies by locale. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Format, such as MP3, of the audio media. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Languages/Language |
Author associated with the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
How soon the item can be shipped. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferListing/Availability |
Container for availability information, including AvailabilityType, MaximumHours and MinimumHours. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferListing |
Customer review of an item represented by a number of stars where 5 stars is the highest rating, 0 the lowest. This element contains the average of all customer ratings of the item. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/Seller/AverageFeedbackRating |
An average of all of the ratings entered by customers where 5 is the best. Ancestry: CustomerReviews, List |
The metal in jewelry, for example, 14 K gold. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Type of material used to make the band in a piece of jewelry. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Batteries required or not Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Whether batteries are included Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A description of the batteries that are required for the item to work. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Required battery type Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The identifier of the bed of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBed |
The name of the bed (chasis) of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBed |
Container for information relating to a promotional benefit. Ancestry: Benefits |
Containter for one or more Benefit elements. Ancestry: None |
Specifies the type of promotion, for example, Free, FixedAmountOff, PercentOff, and TieredFixedAmountOff. Ancestry: Benefits/Benefit/BenefitType |
Text that describes the promotion. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/Promotions/Promotion/Summary |
Material that makes up the bezel of jewelry, for example, a ring. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for Bin elements. Children: BinItemCount, BinName, BinParameter |
Typically but not always similar to the product category. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of items in a bin. Ancestry: SearchBinSets/SearchBinSet/Bin/BinItemCount |
Name of the bin. Ancestry: SearchBinSets/SearchBinSet/Bin/BinName |
Container for the BrowseNodeId and it's value. Ancestry: Bin |
A customer's birth date. Ancestry: CustomerFull |
The identifier that specifies the body (chasis) style of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBodyStyle |
The name of the body (chasis) style of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBodyStyle |
The identifier of te brakes of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBrakes |
The name of the brakes of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBrakes |
An item's brand. Ancestry: ItemAttributes, Large, Medium |
A positive integer that uniquely identifies a parent product category. Ancestry: BrowseNode/Ancestors/BrowseNode BrowseNode/Children/BrowseNode |
Type of calendar Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Manual features of a camera Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A positive integer that uniquely identifies a cart. All operations on a cart must include this value, which is generated by CartCreate. Ancestry: Cart |
A parent element for many child elements, including CartItemId, MerchantId, SellerId, Quantity, Title, ProductGroup, Price, and ItemTotal. Ancestry: Cart/CartItems |
A positive integer that uniquely identifies an item in a cart or in the Saved For Later area. You must use this value to modify cart items or Saved For Later items. Other identifiers, such as ASINs, do not work. Ancestry: CartItem SavedForLaterItem |
A parent element for many child elements, including SubTotal, and CartItem. Ancestry: Cart |
Distance from corner to corner of a case Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The material of which a case is made. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Thickness of a case Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Type of case Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies the kind of promotion. Valid values include ForEachQuantityXGetQuantityFreeX , BuyAmountXGetSimpleShippingFreeX, and BuyAmountXGetAmountOffX. For more information, see Promotion Types. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/Promotions/Promotion/Summary |
Description of CD read-write peripheral device. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Type of chain, typically, in jewelry. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
City Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Address |
Type of clasp on a piece of jewelry Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Size of clothes Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number that uniquely identifies an error. Ancestry: Errors/Error |
Container for items that are part of a collection. For more information, see Collections Ancestry: None |
An item that is part of a collection of items. For more information, see Collections Ancestry: None |
The parent item has an ASIN but it cannot be purchase. It names the collection. CollectionItems are children of the Collection Parent and can be purchased. For more information, see Collections Ancestry: None |
Container for one or more collection objects. For more information, see Collections Ancestry: None |
Color Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Comment typically about the purpose of the list. Ancestry: List, ListItems |
Compatibility Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies what the promotion applies to, for example, Shipping, ItemPrice, Subtotal. Ancestry: Benefits/Benefit |
Specifies the condition of the item, such as new, used, collectible, or refurbished. Ancestry: SellerListing/Condition Offers/Offer/OfferAttributes/Condition |
A note that describes the condition of the item being purchased. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferAttributes |
The content of the review. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferAttributes/ConditionNote |
A parent element that contains the elements related to a corrected keyword. See Keywords. Ancestry: Items |
A customer's country. Ancestry: CustomerFull, CustomerInfo, OfferFull, OfferListings |
Specifies the kinds of promotional coupons that can be combined, for example, Unrestricted, Preferential, and Exclusive. Ancestry: None |
Manufacturer of the CPU Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
CPU speed Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
CPU type, such as P4. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Creator associated with the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The date an API element was created. Ancestry: Help |
Price in terms of the lowest currency denomination, for example, pennies. Ancestry: EligibilityRequirements/EligibilityRequirement/ |
An abbreviation that specifies the format of the price for the associated locale. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/ListPrice CartItem/ItemTotal Cart/SavedForLaterItems/SubTotal Cart/CartItems/SubTotal SavedForLaterItem/ItemTotal SavedForLaterItem/Price CartItem/Price Cart/SubTotal EligibilityRequirements/EligibilityRequirement/CurrencyAmount Benefits/Benefit/FixedAmount OfferSummary/LowestCollectiblePrice/CurrencyCode OfferSummary/LowestNewPrice/CurrencyCode OfferSummary/LowestRefurbishedPrice/CurrencyCode OfferSummary/LowestUsedPrice/CurrencyCode Offers/Offer/OfferListing/Price/CurrencyCode Offers/Offer/OfferListing/SalePrice/CurrencyCode Transaction/Totals/Total VariationSummary/HighestPrice VariationSummary/LowestSalePrice VariationSummary/HighestSalePrice VariationSummary/LowestPrice |
A positive number distributed by Amazon that uniquely identifies a customer who entered a review. Ancestry: CustomerReviews/Review/CustomerId |
Name of the list owner. Ancestry: List/CustomerName |
Nickname of list owner Ancestry: List |
A review of a seller submitted by a customer. Ancestry: CustomerFull, CustomerReviews |
A containter for one or more CustomerReview objects. Ancestry: CustomerFull, CustomerReviews |
The date the review was created. Ancestry: CustomerReviews/Review |
Date the item was added to the list. Ancestry: ListItem/DateAdded |
Date the list was created, in the form yyyy-mm-dd. Ancestry: List/DateCreated |
Day Ancestry: ItemAttributes/HoursOfOperation/Hours |
The necessary delay between shots. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Department Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for all of the elements that describe a promotion. Ancestry: |
URL of the detail page, which describes an item and enables the customer to add it to their cart, for example, 09P%26tag=ws%26lcode=xm2%26cID=2025%26ccmID=16 5953%26location=/Programming-Perl-2nd-Larry-Wall/dp/ B00005R09PSubscriptionId=1VQXXXXNR2. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Dewey decimal number Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Color of the dial, typically, of a watch face Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Material that makes up the transparent face of a watch. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies the zoom ratio. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Director Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Size of the display, typically the length of the diagonal across the display surface. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of different users that created tags for an entity. Ancestry: Tagged Items, TaggedListmaniaLists, Tag |
The identifier of the drive of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleDriveType |
The name of the type of the drive of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleDriveType |
Specifies whether the DVD is a dual-layer DVD-9 movie or a single-layer DVD-5 movie. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Description of the DVD player's read and write functionality. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether one or two sides of the DVD has recorded information. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
European Article Number, which is a number that uniquely identifies an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Edition Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Boolean value that specifies whether or not the link to the editorial review is displayed. Ancestry: EditorialReview |
An xml tag returned. Ancestry: Help |
Containter for one or more EligibilityRequirementType elements. Ancestry: EligibilityRequirements |
Specifies the conditions necessary to qualify for the promotion. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/Promotions/Promotion/Summary |
Containter for one or more EligibilityRequirement elements. Ancestry: None |
Specifies the eligibility requirements to qualify for the promotion, for example, MinPurchase, MinQuantity, or, ForEachQuantity. Ancestry: EligibilityRequirements/EligibilityRequirement |
Specifies a date when the item will stop being sold. Or, specifies the last day and ending time (GMT) of the promotion. Ancestry: SellerListing/EndDate, Offers/Offer/Promotions/Promotion/Summary |
The identifier of the engine in the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleEngine |
The name of the engine in the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleEngine |
Television shows are broadcast in sequence. Each show is called an episode. EpisodeSequence specifies the number of the show in the series of episodes. | |
Token that uniquely identifies an SDP-Marketplace, auction, Merchant@, Merchant.Com listings, or an offer in the Marketplace. Exchange IDs are available for every item offered by a third-party seller. When using ExchangeId, you must also specify a matching SellerId and ASIN. Ancestry: SellerListing SavedForLaterItem OfferSummary/LowestNewPrice/FormattedPrice OfferSummary/LowestRefurbishedPrice/FormattedPrice OfferSummary/LowestUsedPrice/FormattedPrice Offers/Offer/OfferListing/Price/FormattedPrice Offers/Offer/OfferListing/SalePrice/FormattedPrice CartItem |
The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) sets ratings, advertising guidelines, and online privacy principles for video and computer games in the United States and Canada. The value, CEROAgeRating specifies that a video or software game (search indices Software and VideoGames) is suitable for everyone to play. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether the items supports an external display. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The type of fabric used in the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Fax number Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
An item's feature Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Provides customer feedback about the seller. Ancestry: |
Provides an average customer rating of the merchant where 5 is the best and 0 is the worst. Ancestry: Seller/FeedbackRating |
The wait time to expect before receiving the first issue in a newspaper or magazine subscription. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for information relating to the first time the entity was tagged. Ancestry: TaggedItems, TaggedListmaniaLists, Tag |
Fitment |
A fitment is a part that works in (fits into/onto) a car. Children: Bed, BodyStyle, Brakes, DriveType, Engine, Make, MfrBodyCode, Model, Notes, Position, SpringTypes, Steering, Transmission, Trim, Wheelbase, Year Ancestor: FitmentAttributes: FitmentAttribute |
Container for one or more Fitment elements. Child: Fitment Ancestry: FitmentAttributes |
Container for one or more FitmentAttribute elements. Child: FitmentAttribute |
Specifies the price in terms of the lowest currency denomination. Ancestry: Benefits/Benefit |
The flavor of an item. Typically used as a variation dimension. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Description of a computer's floopy drive. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
An item's format Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The price formatted as it should be displayed to the user. The formatting is specified by CurrencyCode and varies by country. Or, the discounted price formatted for display. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/ListPrice SavedForLaterItem/ExchangeId CartItem/ExchangeId, EligibilityRequirements/EligibilityRequirement/CurrencyAmount Benefits/Benefit/FixedAmount OfferSummary/LowestUsedPrice/FormattedPrice OfferSummary/LowestCollectiblePrice/FormattedPrice OfferSummary/LowestNewPrice/FormattedPrice Transaction/TransactionItems/TransactionItem/TotalPrice |
Specifies the genre, such as romance, of a digital item. | |
The type of gem. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/GemType |
Returns multiple values for the gem types. Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes |
URL of a seller's web page. A GlancePage is not returned when the merchant is Amazon. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/Seller/Glancepage Offers/Offer/Merchant/GlancePage |
The flex (regular or stiff) of a golf club. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The loft (number of degrees) of a golf club. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The type of computer graphic card interface. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Description of the computer graphics card. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The amount of memory resident on in a computer graphics card. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
An alphanumeric token to use to claim the promotional benefit. Ancestry: None |
Left or right handedness Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes |
Number of hard drives in a computer. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The amount of memory contained in a hard drive. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Hardware Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether the item has auto focus. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item has burst mode. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether a camera has editing functionality. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the camera has a mechanism for preventing red eyes in pictures. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item has a timer. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item has a mount to connect to a tripod. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item has an output for video. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item has a view finder. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Height of an item, package, or image. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/ItemDimensions ItemAttributes/PackageDimensions ImageSets/ImageSet/LargeImage ImageSets/ImageSet/MediumImage ImageSets/ImageSet/SmallImage ImageSets/ImageSet/TinyImaget ImageSets/ImageSet/SwatchImage/Height ItemAttributes |
The number of customers who felt that the review was helpful. Ancestry: CustomerReviews/Review/HelpfulVotes |
Hashing for Message Authentication (HMAC) is a keyed hash function that is used with a CryptographicHashFunction such as SHA-1 or MD5 that cannot be computed with out the key. This is used to identify and secure a cart. Each cart operation must include this value. Ancestry: Cart |
Hours Ancestry: ItemAttributes/HoursOfOperation |
Defines the hours of a store's operations. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
An image associated with a seller's item. Ancestry: SellerListing/Image |
Specifies the software included in the purchase. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item contains an MP3 player. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Ingredient Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Multiple ingredients. Used instead of Ingredients when the item is made of more than one ingredient. Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item is eligible for trade-in. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item is autographed. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
ISBN number Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Boolean value that specifies if the browse node is at the top of the browse node tree. Ancestry: BrowseNodes |
Specifies whether the item is eligible for super saving shipping. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferListing |
The value of IsEmailNotifyAvailable is a boolean where 1 means that an Email can be sent when the item is in stock, 0 when an Email cannot be sent. This functionality is not available for all offers. |
YES, NO, or MAYBE values specify whether ot not a part will work in a specified vehicle. | |
Species whether or not the item is fragile. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the item is fulfilled by Amazon (in the Amazon fulfillment network and processed and shipped by Amazon). Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferListing/ |
A boolean value. When True, the associated ASIN is what the customer receives as part of the promotion. Ancestry: ItemApplicability |
A boolean value. When True, the associated ASIN is what the customer must purchase to qualify for the promotion. Ancestry: ItemApplicability |
Specifies whether or not the item was created in a lab. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
"1" (true) if there were any HTML links in editorial reviews that have been suppressed. Ancestry: EditorialReview |
Specifies whether the item is considered memorabilia. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Indicates that there are more vehicle parts to return with higher ASIN values than those already returned. |
Indicates that there are more vehicle parts to return with lower ASIN values than those already returned. | |
The ISO equivalent of a digital camera is what the film sensitivity would be if the camera used film. The higher the number, the more sensitive the camera, the less light required to take the photograph. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for information about an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for ASIN, IsInBenefitSet, and IsInEligibilityRequirementSet. This group of values specifies whether the ASIN is what the customer receives as part of the promotion, whether the ASIN is what the customer needs to purchase to qualify for the promotion, or both. Ancestry: ItemApplicability/ItemApplicability |
Number of issues per year, usually, in a subscription. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Boolean value that specifies whether the request syntax was correct. Ancestry: Request |
Container for many attributes that describe an item. Children: Over 200 elements. |
Description of the keyboard Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The (corrected) words used in a search. Ancestry: Items/CorrectedQuery |
Label Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for a large image Ancestry: ImageSets/ImageSet |
Date when the list was last modified Ancestry: List/LastModified |
Container for information relating to the last time the entity was tagged. Ancestry: TaggedItems, TaggedListmaniaLists, Tag |
Legal disclaimer Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Length Ancestry: ItemAttributes/ItemDimensions ItemAttributes/PackageDimensions/Length ItemAttributes |
The voltage used. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A positive integer distributed by Amazon that uniquely identifies a list. Ancestry: ListmaniaLists/ListmaniaList |
A number that uniquely identifies a seller's item within a given year. This values, also known as the Exchange Code, is a shortened form of the ExchangeId, whose uniqueness is not limited to a single year. Ancestry: SellerListing/ListingId |
A number that uniquely identifies an item on a list. Ancestry: ListItem/ListItemId |
Name of a Listmania list. Ancestry: ListmaniaLists/ListmaniaList List |
Name of the list owner. Ancestry: CartItem SavedForLaterItem |
The type of list an item in the cart is on. The item might be in the Saved For Later area. Ancestry: CartItem SavedForLaterItem |
URL where you can find the list. The URL is the same for all lists except for the final filename, which is the ListId. In this way you can display the list by just knowing the ListId. Ancestry: List |
Location of the seller. Ancestry: Seller/Location |
A long summary of a digital item. See ShortSynopsis. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
LoyaltyPoints |
In the JP locale only, loyalty points are returned. Loyalty points are used to generate sales. Ancestry: Offers/Offer |
The number of points awarded as part of a purchase. Points translate into rewards. Ancestry: Offers, VariationOffers |
Describes the macro focus feature. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Describes the genre of the magazine. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Identifier that uniquely identifies the make of the vehicle. Ancestry: VehicleMake |
The name of the make of the vehicle. Ancestry: VehicleMake |
Manufacturer Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Describes the manufacturer's labor warranty Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Defines the maximum age in months the user should be to enjoy the use of the item. For example, for a toy targeted at kids from ages 2 to 4, 4 would be the value for the ManufacturerMaximumAge. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Defines the minimum age in months the user should be to enjoy the use of the item. For example, for a toy targeted at kids from ages 2 to 4, 2 would be the value for the ManufacturerMiniimumAge. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Describes the manufacturer's parts warranty Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The type of material used in the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Returns multiple values describing the different materials that constitute the item. Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes |
The larges lens aperture Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The number of bytes used to display colors in digital media. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The maximum focal length of the lens. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The highest image resolution provided by the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The maximum number of hours for which the item might be available. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferListing/AvailabilityAttributes |
The highest resolution provided on the horizontal axis--the higher the number, the greater the resolution. Ancestry: None |
The lowest image resolution an item provides. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The highest image resolution an item provides. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The fastest speed of a camera shutter, This value is an of time.The unit of
time is captured in the Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Highest image resolution on the vertical axis. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The maximum weight an item should hold. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for a medium image Ancestry: ImageSets/ImageSet |
Specifies whether or not the item has slots for memory additions. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
MerchandisingMessage contains text entered by a merchant that describes a promotion. Ancestry: None |
A positive integer distributed by Amazon that uniquely identifies a merchant. Or, the legacy merchant ID that is associated with the promotion. In contrast, the element, OwningMerchantId, is an updated ID for the same merchant. These IDs may or may not be the same. Ancestry: CartItem SavedForLaterItem |
Message, or, a description of an error. Ancestry: Items/CorrectedQuery, Errors/Error |
A distinctive marking in metal usually associated with jewelry. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The type of metal used in the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The minimum number of hours for which the item is available. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferListing/AvailabilityAttributes |
Short description of a movie. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The shortest focal length of an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The longest time a camera shutter can stay open. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Lists the VehicleOptions that you need to supply to provide better results. |
Model Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Description of a modem. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Size of a monitor expressed as the length between opposite corners of the monitor Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The length between opposite corners of the monitor in which the image actually appears. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Description of a computer mouse. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Manufacturer's part number. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Name of customer of item in a bin. Or, the name of a parameter passed in the request. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Address ItemAttributes/Languages/Language BrowseNode/Ancestors/BrowseNode BrowseNode/Children/BrowseNode, Seller, SearchBinSets, SearchBinSet/Bin/BinParameter, Arguments/Argument |
The maximum resolution of a flat panel display. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Neighborhood Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Description of the item's network interface. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Seller's nickname Ancestry: SellerListing/Seller |
Describes the technology used in the notebook computer's display Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Describes the pointing device used by the notebook computer. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
An attribute in the Disc tag that denotes the CD number in the item, for example, <Disc Number="1">. Items with multiple CDs would have multiple values for Disc. Or, an attribute in the Track tag that denotes the track number on the CD, for example, <Track Number="9">Now Or Never</Track>. Ancestry: Tracks/Disc Tracks/Disc/Track |
Number of discs an item can hold or use. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of issues in a subscription. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of items. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of pages. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of pearls in an item Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The number of shots that can be fired sequentially. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of stones in an item Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of recorded track on a CD. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies the date of an occasion, such as a wedding or birthday. Ancestry: List/OccasionDate |
A number that uniquely identifies an offer listing. This number represents a sales offer from a specific merchant. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/OfferListing |
Specifies the name of the operating system on a computer. Ancestry: VariationMatrix |
Specifies the name of the operation, such as ItemLookup. Ancestry: Help |
Specifies the optical, as opposed to the electronic, zoom. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The date upon which the digital item was first broadcast. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies the date the item was originally released. Items that have been released multiple times have both release dates and original release dates. See ReleaseDate. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Parent element for Title and ASIN of similar products in other product groups Ancestry: Cart |
The merchant ID that is associated with the promotion. OwningMerchantId is an updated ID for MerchantId. These IDs may or may not be the same. Ancestry: None |
Quantity in a package Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes/ |
Container for one or more Item elements. Ancestry: VehicleParts Child: Item |
A parameter that an operation can or must use. Ancestry: Help |
Specifies, in the MissingVehiclePart element, the name of the missing parameter. | |
A parent ASIN for an item in Saved For Later or the Active areas of a cart.. Ancestry: CartItem SavedForLaterItem |
Container for one or more Bin elements. |
Container for one or more Bin elements. |
For wedding registries, this is the name of the bride or groom. Ancestry: List/PartnerName |
The luster of the pearl. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The pearl's minimum color. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The shape of the pearl. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The means used to string the pearls. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A description of the surface blemishes on the pearl. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Pearl type is categorized by the shape and size of the pearl. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Describes the uniformity of color of the pearl. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Phone number Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Description of the camera's flash. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Describes the format of an electronic image. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Operating system. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Postal code, such as a zip code. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Address Offers/Offer/OfferListing |
A parent element for Amount, CurrencyCode, and FormattedPrice. In this case, the price is for an item in the Active or Saved For Later areas, respectively. Ancestry: CartItem SavedForLaterItem |
Defines how expensive an item is. For example, for apparel, 1=under $15 2=$15-30 3=$30-45 4=over $45. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The number of processors in an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The product category an item belongs to. The name of a category, such as sporting goods, to which an item in the cart belongs. The name of a category, such as sporting goods, to which an item in Saved For Later belongs. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/ProductGroup CartItem/ProductGroup SavedForLaterItem |
Subcategory of product type Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes |
Container for one or more Details elements. Ancestry: Offers/OfferPromotions |
Specifies the kind of promotion. Valid values include ForEachQuantityXGetQuantityFreeX , BuyAmountXGetSimpleShippingFreeX, and BuyAmountXGetAmountOffX. For more information, see Promotion Types. Ancestry: Offers/OfferPromotions/Promotion/Summary |
An alphanumeric token that uniquely identifies a promotion. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/Promotions/Promotion/Summary |
A container for one or more Promotion elements. Ancestry: Offers/Offer |
Publication date. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Publisher Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A URL that the customer must use to purchase the items in their cart. Ancestry: Cart |
The number of a particular item in a cart. Or, the number of items in stock.Or, the number of a particular item in Saved For Later. Ancestry: CartItem, SellerListing SavedForLaterItem |
The number of items the customer wants. Ancestry: ListFull, ListItems |
The number of items the customer received. Ancestry: ListFull, ListItems |
A customer's rating in their review where a rating of 5 is the best. Ancestry: CustomerReviews/Review |
Describes the reading difficulty of the book. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number that identifies a registry, such as a wedding registry. Ancestry: ListFull |
A code that specifies a region. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Name of a wedding or baby registry. Ancestry: List/RegistryName |
Container for an item that is related to the one specified in the ItemLookup request. Ancestry: RelatedItems Children: Item, ASIN , ItemAttributes |
A container for one or more items that are related to the one specified in an ItemLookup request. This value is only returned with the Relateditems response group. Children: Relationship, Relationshiptype, RelatedItemCount, RelatedItemPageCount, RelatedItemPage, RelatedItem. |
Specifies the number of related items found. This number, however, can be larger than the actual number returned because not all related items found are available. | |
Specifies which page of related items has been returned. Ancestry: RelatedItems |
Specifies the number of pages of related items found. There are up to ten items per page. Ancestry: RelatedItems |
Child or parent. Relationships are uni-directional: either parent to child, or child to parent. Ancestry: RelatedItems |
Specifies how the related item relates to the specified item in the ItemLookup request, for example, Tracks. For more information, go to the ItemLookup page. Ancestry: RelatedItems |
Date on which the item was latest released. Items that have been released multiple times have both release dates and original release dates. See ReleaseDate. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether or not the memory is removable. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A number that uniquely identifies a request Ancestry: OperationRequest |
Specifies the resolution modes of the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A response group. Ancestry: Help |
Size of a ring. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Role Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Creator |
The duration of a presentation. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Indicates how well an item is selling within its product category. The lower the number, the better the item has sold. Ancestry: Item |
A positive integer that uniquely identifies an item in Saved For Later. Ancestry: Cart/SavedForLaterItems Cart |
A television show broadcast over a year, which typically has thirteen new shows, is called a season of shows. SeasonSequence specifies the season in which the digital asset was broadcast. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Scent of perfume or cologne Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes/ |
A means by which to categorize results, such as price range. Ancestry: SearchBinSets |
Parent element for SearchBins element. Ancestry: SearchBinSets |
Size of the secondary cache. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A positive integer that uniquely identifies the seller, or the seller of an item that is in either the Active or Saved For Later areas of a cart. Ancestry: SavedForLaterItem SellerListing/Seller CartItem Offers/Offer/Seller |
Seller's legal name. This can differ from the Name value. For example, Amazon could be the value for the Name, but for the Legalname. Ancestry: Seller |
The nickname of the seller of an item in Saved For Later. The nickname is often a less formal version of the merchant's official name, such as, MyCompany, as opposed to MyCompany Ltd.. Ancestry: CartItem, Seller |
The setting type used in a piece of jewelry. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Material the shaft is composed of Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes/ |
The items in a specific shipment. Ancestry: Transaction/Shipments/Shipment |
The shipments Ancestry: Transaction |
A short summary of a digital item. See LongSynopsis. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Parent element for Title and ASIN of similar products in the same product group Ancestry: Cart |
Parent element for Title and ASIN of similar products in the same product group that have been viewed Ancestry: Cart |
ID of a merchant that applies across all of the variations of an item. Ancestry: VariationSummary |
Size Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Size of the pearl(s) in a piece of jewelry. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a number that uniquely identifies an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes SellerListing |
Container for a small image. Thumbnail and Small images are the same size. Ancestry: ImageSets/ImageSet |
Describes a computer's sound card. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Where the review was entered. Typically, this is It is possible, however, for customers to enter reviews from other sites. Ancestry: EditorialReviews/EditorialReview |
Describes the item's speakers. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Describes an item's special features. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The identifier of the suspension springs of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleSpringTypes |
The name of the suspension springs of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleSpringTypes |
The data an item goes on sale. Or, specifies the first day and beginning time (GMT) of the promotion. Ancestry: SellerListing, Offers/Offer/Promotions/Promotion/Summary |
A digital item might have been broadcast over a number of years. StartYear specifies the year of the first broadcast. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
State Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Specifies whether an item is for sale (Open) or not (Closed). To determine if an item is truly available, this value must be Open, Quantity must be greater than zero. Ancestry: |
The clarity of a gem. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The color of a gem. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The cut of a gem. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The shape of a gem. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The number of karats of a gem. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A number that uniquely identifies the seller's store. Ancestry: SellerListing/Seller |
The name of the seller's store. Ancestry: SellerListing/Seller |
The identifier of the steering of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleSteering |
The name of the vehicle's steering. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleSteering |
The name of the studio, such as Warner Brothers, that produced a digital item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Style Ancestry: Variations/Item/ItemAttributes/ |
A book’s Subject description, which characterizes the book’s content. Ancestry: Subjects |
The condition of an item. This tag helps to further describes items that are not new. Values, for example, are mint, very good, and good. Ancestry: SellerListing/SubCondition |
The duration of a subscription. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A short summary of the content of the review. Or, a container for all promotion information, including the elements BenefitDescription, Category, EndDate, EligibilityRequirementsDescription, PromotionId, StartDate, and TermsAndConditions. Ancestry: CustomerReviews/Review/Summary, Offers/Offer/Promotions/Promotion |
The image formats supported by the item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for a swatch image, which is smaller than a Small image. Ancestry: ImageSets/ImageSet |
The bus speed of the motherboard. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The size of the item's RAM. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The maximum RAM size an item can be expanded to. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The type of RAM memory used. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
A customer-created tag for an item, such as BobsBestMovie. Ancestry: TaggedGuides, TaggedItems, TaggedListmaniaLists, Tag |
Container for Tag elements, such as Item and DistinctUsers. Ancestry: TaggedGuides, TaggedItems, TaggedListmaniaLists, Tag |
Tag name. Ancestry: TaggedGuides, TaggedItems, TaggedListmaniaLists, Tag |
Container for all Tag elements. Ancestry: None |
Describes the entity tagged, for example, Items. Ancestry: TaggedGuides, TaggedItems, TaggedListmaniaLists, Tag |
Specifies the terms and conditions of the promotion. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/Promotions/Promotion/Summary |
The date of a theatrical release. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for a Thumbnail image. Thumbnail and Small images are the same size. Ancestry: ImageSets/ImageSet |
The time an entity was tagged. Ancestry: TaggedItems, Tags |
Container for a tiny image Ancestry: ImageSets/ImageSet |
Title or the name of the accessory, item, new release, similar products in other product groups, similar products in the same product group, similar products in the same product group that have been viewed Ancestry: ItemAttributes Accessories/Accessory SavedForLaterItem Cart/NewReleases/NewRelease/Title CartItem OtherCategoriesSimilarProduct SimilarProduct SimilarViewedProduct TopSellers/TopSeller |
Container object for information related to ranked responses, including MostGifted, MostWishedFor, TopSellers, and NewReleases. Information contained includes ASIN, Title, DetailPageURL, ProductGroup, Author, Artist, and Actor. Ancestry: MostGifted, MostWishedFor, TopSellers, NewReleases Children: ASIN, Title, DetailPageURL, ProductGroup, Actor, Artist, Author |
Container for one or more TopItem elements. |
The total number of collectible items for sale. Ancestry: OfferSummary |
Total weight of all of the diamonds in a piece of jewelry. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The number of free external bays in a computer. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Average rating of the customers' feedback about the seller. Ancestry: Offers/Offer/Seller |
Specifies the number of pages of customer feedback. Up to twenty customer reviews are returned per page. Ancestry: Seller |
The number of firewire ports an item has. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The number of makes and models of cars a part will work in. Type: nonNegativeInteger Ancestor: Fitment |
Total weight of all of the gems in a piece of jewelry. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of internal bays free in a computer Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The total number of items found on the list. Each page holds up to ten items. Ancestry: Items/TotalItems |
Total weight of all of the metal in a piece of jewelry. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The total number of new items for sale. Ancestry: OfferSummary |
Total number of NTSC and PAL video ports. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of pages of offers. Up to twenty offers are returned per page. By default, the first ten offers are returned in the response. Ancestry: Offers |
Total number of offers. Ancestry: Offers |
The total number of pages found in a response. Each page holds up to ten items. Type: nonNegativeInteger Ancestry: Items, Fitment |
Total number of parallel ports. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Total number of PC card slots in a computer. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Number of free PCI card slots in a computer. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Catalogs all customer ratings of the seller. Ancestry: Seller/TotalRatings |
The total number of refurbished items for sale. Ancestry: OfferSummary |
Total number of items found by the request. Only ten are returned at a time. Ancestry: Items, List |
The number of pages of reviews found. Up to ten reviews are returned in a response Ancestry: CustomerReviews |
Total number of reviews of an item. Ancestry: CustomerReviews |
Container object for all other Total* elements, including Total, SubTotal, Tax, ShippingCharges, Promotion, and so forth. Ancestry: Transaction |
Total number of serial ports on an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Total number of SVideo out connectors. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The number of times a list has been viewed. Ancestry: List |
The number of times an entity has been accessed. Ancestry: TaggedGuides, TaggedItems, TaggedListmaniaLIsts, Tags |
Total number of USB2 ports on an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Total number of USB1 ports on an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The total number of used items for sale. Ancestry: OfferSummary |
Total number of VGA (video) outputs on an item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The total number of review votes cast. Ancestry: CustomerReviews/Review/TotalVotes |
Refers to each track on a CD. On a music CD, each track corresponds to a song. Ancestry: Tracks/Disc |
The trade-in value of this item. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The date on which the transaction began of the form, for example, 2005-06-08T19:19:27. Ancestry: Transaction |
The date on which the transaction began in the form of epoch seconds. Ancestry: Transaction |
A series of dash-separated integers, such as 111-222-333, that uniquely identify a transaction. Ancestry: Transaction |
Container for all of the information related to a specified transaction. Ancestry: Transaction |
A string that uniquely identifies a transaction item. Ancestry: Transaction/TransactionItems/TransactionItem |
Container for TransactionItem Ancestry: Transaction |
The identifier of the transmission of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleTransmission |
The name of the transmission of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleTransmission |
Number that uniquely identifies a trim package. Type: nonNegativeInteger Ancestry: VehicleTrims: VehicleTrim |
Name of a trim package, such as GL. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleTrims: VehicleTrim |
Type, depending on the context. If the ancestor is TopItemSet, the Type is the ranking criteria, such as MostGifted. Ancestry: ItemAttributes/Languages/Language, TopItemSet |
This is the unit of time returned by the element, MaximumShutterSpeed. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Universal Product Code, which is a 12 digit number, 6 of which represents an item's manufacturer. These numbers are translated into a bar code that is printed on an item or its packaging. Ancestry: ItemAttributes SellerListing |
URL of an image. Ancestry: Variations/Item/ImageSets/ImageSet/LargeImage Variations/Item/ImageSets/ImageSet/SwatchImage Variations/Item/ImageSets/ImageSet/MediumImage Variations/Item/ImageSets/ImageSet/SmallImage |
A URL-encoded version of the HMAC that can be used directly in a request. Ancestry: Cart |
The client application, for example, web browsers, search engine crawlers, mobile phones, screen readers and braille browsers. The text associated with UserAgent contains the application name, version, host operating system, and language. Ancestry: OperationRequest |
An alphanumeric token that uniquely identifies the customer that tagged the entity. Ancestry: |
The value of a parameter passed in the request. Or, the value for item in bin. Ancestry: TaggedItems, TaggedListmaniaLists, Tags |
Container for a variation name and value. Ancestry: Item/VariationAttributes/ |
Describes the variation. Typically used in the Electronics product category. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Describes the variation. A variation is a particular instance of an item, for example, a specific size and color of a shirt. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Container for dimensions Ancestry: Variations/VariationDimensions/ |
Container for information about the chasis of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleBed |
The chasis of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBedOptions Children: BedId, BedName |
Container for information about the style of the chasis. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleBodyStyle |
The style of the chasis. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBodyStyleOptions Children: BodyStyleId, BodyStyleName |
Container for information about the type of brakes on the vehicle, such as disk. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleBrakes |
The type of brakes on the vehicle, such as disk. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleBrakesOptions Children: BrakesId, BrakesName |
Container for information about the type of drive, such as 4 wheel. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleDriveType |
The type of drive, such as 4 wheel. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleDriveTypeOptions Children: DriveTypeId, DriveTypeName |
Container for information about the type of engine, such as V6. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleEngine |
The type of engine, such as V6. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleEngineOptions Children: EngineId, EngineName |
Container for information about the make of the car. Ancestry: VehicleMakes Children: MakeName, MakeId |
Container for one or more VehicleMake elements. Children: VehicleMake |
Container for information about the manufacturer's code fo the vehicle's body type. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleMfrBodyCode |
A code that uniquely identifies the manufacturer's code fo the vehicle's body type. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleMfrBodyCodeOptions Children: BodyStyleId, BodyStyleName |
Container for information about the make of the car. Ancestry: VehicleModels Children: ModelName, ModelId |
Container for one or more VehicleModel elements. Children: VehicleModel |
Lists options available for a vehicle. Type: collection Children: VehicleBed, VehicleBodyStyle, VehicleBrakes, VehicleDriveType, VehicleEngine, VehicleMfrBodyCode, VehicleSpringTypes, VehicleSteering, VehicleTransmission, and VehicleWheelbase. |
Container for information for one or more Part elements. Type: string Children: Part |
Container for information about the type of springs used in the suspension. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleSpringTypes |
The type of springs used in the suspension. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleSpringTypesOptions Children: SpringTypesId, SpringTypesName |
Container for information about the type of steering, such as power. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleSteering |
The type of steering, such as power. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleSteeringOptions Children: SteeringId, SteeringName |
Container for information about the transmission type, for example, automatic. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleTransmission |
The transmission type, for example, automatic. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleTransmissionOptions Children: TransmissionId, TransmissionName |
Container for information about the distance between the axels. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleOptions Children: VehicleWheelbase |
The distance between the axels. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleWheelbaseOptions Children: WheelbaseId, WheelbaseName |
Container for year, the year a vehicle was made. Ancestry: VehicleYears Children:Year |
Container for one or moe VehicleYear elements. Children:VehicleYear |
Product Advertising API version number. Ancestry: Help |
Warranty terms Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
The type of movement used in a watch. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
How deep a watch can go in water before water leaks into it. Ancestry: ItemAttributes |
Weight Ancestry: ItemAttributes/ItemDimensions ItemAttributes/PackageDimensions/Weight ItemAttributes |
The identifier of the wheelbase of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleWheelbase |
The identifier of the wheelbase of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleWheelbase |
The name of the wheelbase of the vehicle. Type: string Ancestry: VehicleWheelbase |
Width Ancestry: ItemAttributes/ItemDimensions ItemAttributes/PackageDimensions/Width ItemAttributesVariations/Item/ImageSets/ImageSet/SwatchImage Variations/Item/ImageSets/ImageSet/LargeImage Variations/Item/ImageSets/ImageSet/SmallImage Variations/Item/ImageSets/ImageSet/MediumImage |
Specifies whether seller can ship items faster than normal delivery. Ancestry: SellerListing/WillShipExpedited |
Specifies whether seller will ship item to international destinations. Ancestry: SellerListing/WillShipInternational |
An alphanumeric token that uniquely identifies a wish list. Ancestry: CustomerFull, CustomerLists |
Year, for example, 2008. |