HostExplorer Functions


HostExplorer Functions

3270 5250 VT

The following HostExplorer functions, part of the System Commands, Action Keys, and Editing Keys function groups, can be used when setting items such as keyboard mappings, mouse actions, toolbar buttons, track menu, Quick-Keys, Quick Scripts, macros, and events. The availability of these functions vary depending on whether you are working with a 3270, 5250, or VT terminal.


Ansi-Center—Ansi Center function.

Ansi-Delete—Ansi Del function.

Ansi-End—Ansi End function.

Ansi-Home—Ansi Home function.

Ansi-Insert—Ansi Insert function.

Ansi-Page-Down—Ansi Page Down function.

Ansi-Page-Up—Ansi Page Up function.

Ansi-F1 -> F12—Ansi F1-F12 function.

Ansi-Ctrl-F1 -> F12—Ansi Ctrl F1-F12 function.

Ansi-Shift-F1 -> F12—Ansi Shift F1-F12 function.

Ansi-Ctrl-Shift-F1 -> F12—Ansi Ctrl Shift F1-F12.

Attention—Presses the SNA Attention Key.

Back-Tab—Tabs backward to the previous field.

Backspace—Moves the cursor back one position and delete the character.

Cancel-Macro-Recording—Cancels the recording of a macro.

Cancel-Recording-QuickScript—Cancels the recording of a Quick Script.

Capture-Screen—With Screen Capture mode toggled on, captures the current screen and saves it to the specified file.

Cascade-Session-Windows—Cascades the display of all session windows.

Change-Graphics-Cursor—Toggles the graphics cursor.

Clear—Clears the screen.

Clear-Buffer—Clears the VT Scrollback buffer and display.

Clear-Display—Clears the VT display.

Close-Window—Closes the current terminal window.

Color-Blue—Sets the extended color attribute to Blue.

Color-Field-Inherit—Sets the extended color attribute to Field Inherit.

Color-Green—Sets the extended color attribute to Green.

Color-Pink—Sets the extended color attribute to Pink.

Color-Red—Sets the extended color attribute to Red.

Color-Turquoise—Sets the extended color attribute to Turquoise.

Color-White—Sets the extended color attribute to White.

Color-Yellow—Sets the extended color attribute to Yellow.

Compose—VT Compose function.

Connect—Reconnects the current terminal session to the host.

Cursor-EOF—Moves cursor to last position in the current field.

Cursor-EOL—Moves cursor to end of text in the current field.

Cursor-Select—Cursor-Select (light pen).

Dead-Key—Does nothing.

Delete—Deletes the character at the cursor location.

Delete-Line—Deletes the line at the cursor location.

Delete-Word—Deletes the word at the cursor location.

Disconnect—Disconnects the current terminal session from the host.

Dlg-API-Settings—Opens the API Global Settings dialog box.

Dlg-Close-Session—Opens the Close Current Session dialog box.

Dlg-Close-Window—Opens the Close Frame dialog box.

Dlg-Customize-Menus—Opens the Customize Menus dialog box.

Dlg-Customize-Session-Properties—Opens the Customize Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Download—Opens the Download from Host dialog box (3270) or Download Files dialog box (VT).

Dlg-Edit-Macro—Opens the Macro editor.

Dlg-Edit-Session-Profile—Opens the Session Profile dialog box.

Dlg-Exit—Opens the Exit HostExplorer dialog box.

Dlg-Find—Opens the Find dialog box.

Dlg-Font-Select—Opens the Session Font dialog box.

Dlg-Global—Opens the HostExplorer Global Features console.

Dlg-Hotspots—Opens the Assignments category of the Hotspots folder in the Session Profile dialog box.

Dlg-Keyboard-Assignments—Opens the Keyboard Assignments dialog box.

Dlg-Keyboard-Mapper—Opens the Keyboard Map dialog box.

Dlg-New-Session—Opens the Create New Profile dialog box.

Dlg-Open-Layout—Opens the Open Layout dialog box.

Dlg-Open-Session—Opens the Open Session dialog box.

Dlg-Open-Session-In-Same-Window—Opens the Open Session dialog box, which lets you select a session to open in the same window as the currently active session.

Dlg-Options-Color-General—Displays the General category of the Color folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Connection-Other—Displays the Other category of the Connection folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Connection-Telnet—Displays the category specific to the profile telnet type of the Connection folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Cut-Copy-Paste—Displays the Cut, Copy, and Paste category of the Edit folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Display-General—Displays the General category of the Display folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Edit-General—Displays the General category of the Edit folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Event-General—Displays the General category of the Events folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-File-Transfer-General—Displays the General category of the File Transfer folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Font-General—Displays the General category of the Font folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Hotspots-General—Displays the General category of the Hotspots folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Keyboard-General—Displays the General category of the Keyboard folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Mouse-General—Displays the General category of the Mouse folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Print-Screen-Advanced—Displays the Print Screen Advanced category of the Print folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Security-General—Displays the General category of the Security folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Session-Window-General—Displays the General category of the Session Window folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Shortcuts-General—Displays the General category of the Shortcuts folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Sound-General—Displays the General category of the Sound folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Terminal-API—Displays the API category of the Terminal folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Terminal-Graphics—Displays the Graphics category of the Terminal folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Terminal-Type—Displays the item specific to the profile telnet type of the Terminal folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Options-Track-Menu-General—Displays the General category of the Track Menu folder in the Session Properties dialog box.

Dlg-Print-Multiple-Screens—Opens the Print Multiple Screens dialog box.

Dlg-Print-Screen—Opens the Print dialog box.

Dlg-Prompt-Demo-File—Opens the Select 3270 Demo File dialog box.

Dlg-Prompt-Password—Opens the Enter Password dialog box.

Dlg-Report-Wizard—Opens the Report-Wizard.

Dlg-Quick-Key-Editor—Opens the Quick-Key Editor dialog box.

Dlg-QuickScript-Editor—Opens the Quick Script Editor.

Dlg-Run-Macro—Opens the Browse Macro Files dialog box.

Dlg-Run-Program—Opens the Run dialog box.

Dlg-Run-QuickScript—Opens the Browse Quick Script Files dialog box.

Dlg-Save-Demo-File—Opens the Enter Demo Filename to Save dialog box.

Dlg-Save-Layout—Opens the Save Layout dialog box.

Dlg-Save-Profile—Opens the Save Profile dialog box.

Dlg-Save-Screen—Opens the Save Screen to Disk dialog box.

Dlg-Save-Shortcut—Opens the Save Shortcut dialog box in a web-deployed session.

Dlg-Toolbars—Opens the Toolbars dialog box.

Dlg-Upload—Opens the Upload to Host dialog box (3270) or Upload Files dialog box (VT).

Do—VT F16 function.

Down—Moves the cursor down one line.

Duplicate—Performs the 3270 duplicate.

Duplicate Session—Opens a new connection from an existing one.

Edit-Copy—Copies the selected text to the clipboard.

Edit-Copy-Append—Appends the selected text to the clipboard.

Edit-Copy-Paste—If an area is selected, copies the selected text to the clipboard, otherwise, pastes the data in the clipboard to the screen.

Edit-Cut—Cuts the selected text to the clipboard.

Edit-Delete—Deletes the selected text.

Edit-Insert—Inserts the text in from the clipboard.

Edit-Paste—Pastes the text from the clipboard.

Edit-Paste-Block—Pastes the clipboard contents in Block mode.

Edit-Paste-Continue—Continues pasting data from the clipboard.

Edit-Paste-Field—Pastes clipboard contents in Field mode using the Tab character.

Edit-Paste-Overlay—Pastes the buffer to the screen overlaying each position.

Edit-Paste-Special—Opens the Paste Special dialog box.

Edit-Paste-Stream—Pastes clipboard contents in Stream mode.

Edit-Paste-StreamWordWrap—Pastes clipboard contents in Stream mode using WordWrap.

Edit-Redo—Performs a redo of the last edit change.

Edit-SelectAll—Selects the entire screen.

Edit-Undo—Performs an undo of the last edit change.

End—Presses the VT End key function.

End-Recording—Terminates recording of a macro and display the recorded macro.

Enter—Presses the Enter key.

Entry-Assist-Backspace—If Entry-Assist is enabled, performs a destructive backspace, otherwise, performs a cursor left.

Erase-EOF—Erases the current field from the cursor location.

Erase-EOL—Erases the current line from the cursor location.

Erase-EOP—Erases the current page from the cursor location. (VT only).

Erase-Field—Erases the current unprotected field.

Erase-Input—Erases all unprotected fields.

Erase-Line—Erases the current input line.

Euro-Symbol—Appends a highlighted rectangle to the clipboard.

Escape—Sends the Escape character (VT Mode).

F1 -> F36—Presses the VT function key.

Fast-Down—Moves the cursor down 2 rows.

Fast-Left—Moves the cursor left 2 columns.

Fast-Right—Moves the cursor right 2 columns.

Fast-Up—Moves the cursor up 2 rows.

Field-Exit—Performs the 5250 Field Exit function.

Field-Mark—Enters the 3270 Field Mark character.

Field-Minus—Performs the 5250 Field Minus function.

Field-Plus—Performs the 5250 Field Plus function.

Find—Performs the VT420 Find function.

Font-Larger—Selects the next larger font.

Font-Smaller—Selects the next smaller font.

Help—Performs the 5250 or VT Help function.

Help-About—Displays the About HostExplorer screen.

Help-Index—Opens the HostExplorer help.

Help-Keys—Shows the default keyboard mapping.

Highlighting-Blink—Sets the extended attribute to Blink.

Highlighting-Field-Inherit—Sets the extended attribute to Field-Inherit.

Highlighting-Reverse—Sets the extended attribute to Reverse.

Highlighting-Underscore—Sets the extended attribute to Underscore.

Hold—Puts the VT emulator in Hold State.

Home—Moves the cursor to the topmost unprotected field.

Insert-Field-Attribute—Inserts a Field Attribute at the cursor position.

Insert-Here—Presses the VT Insert-Here key.

Insert-Line—Inserts a null line at the cursor location (VT only).

IPause—Pauses Quick-Key execution until keyboard unlocks for up to 1 second.

Jump-Partition—Moves the cursor to the next partition (VT only).

Jump-To-Session—Jumps to the session specified in the following string (Quick-Keys only).

Kill-Macro—Terminates the macro that is currently running.

Left—Moves the cursor left one column.

Left-Tab—Moves the cursor left and backtab if at beginning of field.

LinuxF1 -> LinuxF48—Performs the LinuxF1 to LinuxF48 functions.

LinuxBackTab—Performs the Linux Back function.

List-Of-Sessions—Displays a list of currently running sessions.

Maximize-Font—Maximizes the font within the current window frame.

Mouse-To-Cursor—Moves the cursor position to the current mouse pointer location.

Move-Cursor-Cursor-Select—Moves the cursor to the current mouse pointer location and presses Cursor Select (Light Pen emulation).

Move-Cursor-Enter—Moves the cursor to the current mouse pointer location and presses Enter.

Newline—Moves the cursor to the first column on the next unprotected field.

Next—Presses the VT Next key.

Next-Session—Jumps window to next active session.

Num-Pad-xxx—Presses the VT numpad key.

Pa1—Presses the PA1 key.

Pa2—Presses the PA2 key.

Pa3—Presses the PA3 key.

Page-Down—Presses the VT Page Down key

Page-Up—Presses the VT Page Up key.

Password—Types the password variable.

Pause—Pauses Quick-Key execution for 1/2 second.

Pause-Recording-QuickScript—Pauses recording a Quick Script.

Pf1 -> Pf24—Presses PF1 to PF24.

Power-On-Reset—Performs a VT420 power on reset.

Prev—Presses the VT Previous key.

Prev-Session—Jumps to the previous active session.

Print—Performs the 5250 Print command.

Print-Multiple-Screens—Prints multiple screens to the default printer.

Print-Raw—Prints the current screen to the default Windows printer, in raw mode.

Print-Raw-LPT1—Prints the current screen to LPT1 directly in ASCII (CR-LF) format.

Print-Raw-LPT2—Prints the current screen to LPT2 directly in ASCII (CR-LF) format.

Print-Raw-LPT3—Prints the current screen to LPT3 directly in ASCII (CR-LF) format.

Print-Screen—Immediately prints the screen.

Recent-Sessions—Displays a list of the most recent sessions. Create a submenu, and then add this function to it.

Record-Backspace—Performs the 5250 Record-Backspace function.

Record-Macro—Starts recording a macro.

Record-QuickScript—Starts recording a Quick Script.

Remove—Presses the VT Remove key.

Replace-Shortcuts—Searches the current screen and replaces all shortcut text when the Manual mode of the shortcuts function is selected.

Reset—Unlocks the 3270 keyboard.

Reset-Type-Ahead—Clears the Type Ahead buffer.

Restore-Cursor-Position—Restores the saved cursor position.

Resume-Recording-Macro—Resumes recording a macro after a recording pause.

Resume-Recording-QuickScript—Resumes recording a Quick Script after a recording pause.

Return—Presses the Return key.

Right—Moves the cursor right one column.

Roll-Down—Presses the 5250 Roll Down action key.

Roll-Up—Presses the 5250 Roll Up action key.

Run—Runs a program. Can only be used in a Quick-Key.

Run-Macro—Runs the script specified.

Save-Cursor-Position—Saves the cursor position.

Save-Screen—Immediately saves the screen to disk.

Scroll-Bottom—Scrolls to bottom of Scrollback buffer.

Scroll-Down-1—Scrolls down 1 line.

Scroll-Page-Up—Scrolls up 1 page.

Scroll-Page-Down—Scrolls down 1 page.

Scroll-Top—Scrolls to top of Scrollback buffer.

Scroll-Up-1—Scrolls up 1 line.

Select—Presses the VT Select key.

Select-Extend—Extends the current selection using the mouse.

Select-Extend-Down—Extends the selection down 1 line

Select-Extend-Left—Extends the selection left 1 column.

Select-Extend-Right—Extends the selection right 1 column.

Select-Extend-Up—Extends the selection up 1 line.

Select-Line—Selects the current line (at the pointer location).

Select-Word—Selects the current word (at the pointer location)

Select-Word-Enter—Selects the current word and press Enter.

Select-Word-Left—Extends the selection to include the previous word.

Select-Word-Right—Extends the selection to include the following word.

Send-Answerback-Msg—Sends the Answerback message.

Send-Line—Sends the Send Line AID to the host system.

Send-Message—Sends the Send Message AID to the host system.

Send-Screen—Sends the current screen to a mail recipient.

Shift-F1 to F20—Presses the VT Shifted function key.

Shift-Num-Pad-xxx—Presses the VT shift numpad key.

Show-Clipboard—Displays the Windows clipboard and any data copied to it.

Show-Demo-File—Opens a demo file (Quick-Keys only).

Show-Track-Menu—Opens the Track Menu at the current mouse pointer location.

Space-EOF—Replaces all characters to the end of the current field with spaces.

Space-Field—Replaces all characters in the current field with spaces.

Start-Session—Starts a new terminal session. For more information, see Quick-Key System Commands.

Stop-QuickScript—Stops an executing Quick Script.

Stop-Recording-QuickScript—Stops recording a Quick Script.

System-Request—Performs the 3270 or 5250 System Request function.

Subscript—Allows subscripts to be entered (VT only).

Substitute—Enters the 3270 substitute character.

Superscript—Allows superscripts to be entered (VT only).

Tab—Moves the cursor to the next unprotected field.

Telnet-Abort-Output—Sends telnet Abort Output command.

Telnet-Are-You-There—Sends telnet, "Are You There?" command.

Telnet-Break—Sends telnet Break command.

Telnet-Interrupt-Process—Sends telnet Interrupt Process command.

Telnet-Erase-Character—Sends telnet Erase Character command.

Telnet-Erase-Current-Line—Sends telnet Erase Current Line command.

Testreq—Presses the Test Request key.

Toggle-APL-Keyboard—Switches APL input mode On and Off.

Toggle-Attribute—Switches Show Attributes mode On and Off.

Toggle-Auto-Print—Switches the VT Auto Print mode On and Off.

Toggle-Capture—Switches the Capture option On and Off.

Toggle-Connection—Switches the connection status.

Toggle-CrossHair-Cursor—Switches the vertical and horizontal crosshairs On and Off.

Toggle-Cursor—Toggles the cursor type.

Toggle-Entry-Assist—Switches Entry Assist Mode On and Off.

Toggle-Event—Toggles the event.

Toggle-Full-Screen—Toggles full screen mode.

Toggle-Insert—Switches Insert Mode On and Off.

Toggle-Line-Draw—Toggles line-drawing mode.

Toggle-Message—Toggles the OIA type (3151 only).

Toggle-Recording-Pause—Switches the macro recording between Paused/Record.

Toggle-Row-And-Column-Indicator—Displays or hides the row and column indicator in the OIA.

Toggle-Scrollback—Switches the Scrollback buffer.

Toggle-Tracing—Switches stack level tracing On and Off.

Toggle-View-Hotspots—Toggles the view hotspots mode.

Toggle-VT-CursorKey-Mode—Switches the Cursor Key mode setting between Application and Normal. (VT only)

Toggle-VT-KeypadKey-Mode—Switches the Keypad mode setting between Application and Numeric. (VT only)

Toggle-Word-Wrap—Switches Word Wrap Mode.

Up—Moves the cursor up one row.

VT-Send-Null—Sends a null byte (0x00) to the host.

Word-Left—Moves the cursor left one word.

Word-Right—Moves the cursor right one word.

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