Server Manager Conventions
The TRAVERSE Server Manager main window appears when you start up TRAVERSE Server Manager. The main window has two columns. The left column contains a list of the databases you created. Double-click an item to expand and contract the list. (You can also click the + and - in front of items to expand and contract the menu list.) When you select a database, the Applications and Groups/Roles icons appear below the database and in the right column.
The following section covers the conventions for the Server Manager main window:
Selecting Items |
To select an item, use the mouse or use the arrow keys to highlight an item. |
Right-Click Mouse Menu |
Displays the contents of the right column in large icons, small icons, list, or details format and all of the functions within Server Manager can be accessed using the right-click mouse menu. |
Refresh |
Click to refresh all levels and collapse the tree down to TRAVERSE level. |
Login to Server |
Click the button in the toolbar to bring up the Login dialog box to change what Microsoft SQL Server you’re logged into or to switch to a different login username. For more information on this function, see Server Manager Login. |
New Company |
Click the button in the toolbar to bring up the New Company Database dialog box to create a new company database. For more information on this function, see Create a Company Database. |
Database Backup |
Click the button in the toolbar to bring up the Database Backup dialog box to backup a database. for more information on this function, see Backup a Database. |
Synchronize Security |
Click the button in the toolbar to bring up the Synchronize Security Settings dialog box to copy permissions from one company to another. For more information on this function, see Synchronize Security Settings. |
Product ID |
Click the button in the toolbar to update the Product ID for all users using the Product ID Validation dialog box. For more information on this function, see Product ID Update. |
External Tools |
Click the External Tools down arrow to access external tools stored in the list box such as the TRAVERSE Data Migration or AIA Manager. For more information, see Data Migration. If you did not use the Installation Wizard to install Server Manager, Locate may be one of the initial menu items in this list box. Select Locate to browse to the Data Migration file (TravDUWiz.exe) in order to add this tool. |
Functions |
Click the down arrow to view information on main menu items and specify dependency of new objects for customer solutions. You can also access error logs and user logs. |
Help/About Server Manager |
Click the button in the toolbar to launch online help and to view TRAVERSE Server Manager version information. |
Template |
In the left column of the Server Manager main window, click the Template folder. The right column lists icons for tables, views, stored procedures, and user-defined data types. Expand an object in the left column to view a list of scripts used to create the object. The template gets the object information from the Access database Template.tsm which should normally be in the same folder as the Server Manager executable. Note: This information is view-only. |
Exiting Server Manager |
To exit from TRAVERSE Server Manager, click the Microsoft Windows close button in the upper-right corner of the window. |