Best Practices Analysis

Performance Analysis for Oracle

Best Practice Analysis - Overview

The Best Practices analysis lists database configuration and operational conditions that are not optimal or that violate industry "best practices" for specific Oracle versions. Database administrators may find that following these "best practice" recommendations may improve the health and maintainability of the database.

The best practice categories include the following:

  • Consistency report checks best practices related to rollback/UNDO and Redo logs within the database.

  • Data Dictionary report checks for Data Dictionary best practice violations.  This includes checking for existence of SYS schema object statistics and exception scenarios related to the SYS.DUAL table and its public synonym.

  • Database report checks overall database best practice violations.

  • Instance report checks initialization parameters and other instance-level best practices.  Bringing atypical parameter settings to a DBAs attention allows for their quick review for appropriateness. Database upgrades, instance-level debugging, parameter mismatches, and simply “forgetting” to undo temporarily-set instance parameters frequently causes unnecessary performance overhead.

  • Object report checks best practices related to tablespaces, tables, indexes, synonyms, and other object types to ensure the best possible environment for optimal performance, system, and application maintenance. Whereas some object checks identify issues that may lead to improved performance, other checks simply identify issues which may lead to reduced DBA or application programmer maintenance requirements.

  • Security report check security related configuration of the database including a check for default and easily guessable passwords.

  • User report checks best practices related to Users (schemas), Profiles, and Roles

Detailed results and recommendations are displayed from the analysis by clicking on the category titles.

These Best Practices help you to stay on top of the new Oracle features introduced for each Oracle release. Most database administrators will find that applying these best practices will improve the relative health and maintainability of their databases and database applications.


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