Performance Analysis is comprised of the client (GUI), database Advisories Objects (tuning), and the (StealthCollect) agent (back-end). The following is a simplified view of the Performance Analysis architecture:
The StealthCollect Agent (comprising the "Middle-Tier Host" section above) consists of the following:
quest_launcher — Starts, connects to, and stops processes and also manages user authentication.
Collector - Traces instance and sessions activity by rapidly (up to 20 times per second) sampling the Oracle instance's SGA. In this manner, no overhead is imposed, unlike querying Oracle's dynamic performance views (V$). The collector resides on the same host as the monitored Oracle instance.
Middleware - Receives the SGA samples from the collector. The middleware is responsible for handling performance data and managing the interaction between the program's disparate applications across any Oracle-supporting platform. Note: The middleware can reside on any host; it is highly recommended to use a host other than that of the monitored Oracle instance. The middleware contains five key elements:
Online Processor Translates the SGA samples into dynamic instance state snapshots for accumulation and diagnosis.
Historical Processor - Applies OLAP algorithms to create a short-term database to answer short-term (up to three months) historical queries. The database uses standard operating system files that require disk space according to volume.
Advisories - Harness the Performance Analysis knowledgebase into a working "detect, diagnose and resolve" paradigm for problem resolution
IntelliProfile artificial intelligence engine - Generates normative baseline projections for exception-monitoring evaluation of current and historical behavior.
Repository Manager - Loads and aggregates historical data into the long-term performance repository. This process is active only if the long-term repository option is enabled. The performance repository can reside on any network host.
Monitored Schema Objects — Support the Advisories feature above with tables and procedures installed in the monitored Oracle instance.
Performance Repository (optional) - Stores long-term StealthCollect performance data. This is an additional, Oracle instance dedicated to Performance Analysis.
For the latest information about supported platforms and versions, please consult the PAO Supported platforms document:
Quest software periodically extends the support for new database and platform versions. For registered Quest SupportLink users, click here to be directed to Quest's website for information on, and to download the latest Performance Analysis updates.
For additional technical information, view the PA_Agent_Installer_help.pdf file (also available on the installation CD).