What's New

Performance Analysis for Oracle

New Features

Performance Analysis features a new highly-configurable digital dashboard consolidating key performance indicators and providing at-a-glance understanding of instance health and root-cause problem detection; the dashboard is comprised of:




Performance Analysis's adaptive IntelliProfile engine dynamically analyzes time-sensitive operating metrics to produce an expected baseline operating range for the instance.

Home Page

PA's default view, the home page offers fully-configurable, prioritized performance alerts, current and baseline-normalized system resource utilization indicators, key Oracle performance advisories, and industry best practice information presented side-by-side in a clean, intuitive format.

Performance Advisories

Groupings of key Oracle tuning checks, organized and presented as both individual alerts and a coherent, step-by-step action plan to maximize database performance. These advisories can be seamlessly integrated with Knowledge Expert.

Best Practices

These advisories identify, by category, non-optimal processes or configuration elements that violate industry "best practices" for specific Oracle versions.  

Oracle E-Business

This analysis checks key Oracle E-Business areas for performance-degrading issues.

Executive Summary Report

The Executive Summary is a one-click report-generating feature designed to deliver to key decision-makers critical instance and system performance parameters in a useful configurable format to key decision-makers.  

Historical Execution plan

Compares statement execution plans created by Oracle's query optimizer.

Dimension filters

Supports specifying complex filter expressions to intelligently exclude or include dimensions of interest. For example, filter in all the SQL statements starting with “INSERT” and excluding tables named “DUAL”.

Dynamic link from metrics to help file

Hyperlinks now offer one-click connectivity between displayed metrics and their explanations.

Kill Session

Terminate a specific session directly from Performance Analysis’ real-time interface (via in-context launching of TOAD).

Improved flow of agent user management

Performance Analysis now provides a utility to create and manage StealthCollect agent users from one option in the Support Tools dialog.  Multiple users can now be created to facilitate both administrative and end-user access to performance data, and their passwords and permissions within Performance Analysis can be maintained quickly and easily.

Licensing options

Users can now license the following features individually: Performance Advisories, Oracle E-Business/Peoplesoft, and EMC Symmetrix.

Integration with Spotlight

Issues requiring the identification and diagnostic capabilities of Spotlight on Oracle can now be addressed with a single-click link.

Integration with Knowledge Expert

Quest's comprehensive Windows-based technical resource for Oracle administration and PL/SQL programming is now available with a single-click link.

Scalability tests (integration with Benchmark Factory)

Send groups of SQL statements directly to Benchmark Factory to create and execute scalability tests.

Standalone Product

The new standalone Performance Analysis now offers a comprehensive suite for diagnosing and tuning the Oracle instance and application workload. The separately purchased and installed toolset unleashes the full potential and power of Performance Analysis for Oracle; its advanced diagnostic features and specially-designed interfaces transform Oracle performance management into a faster, easier and more efficient experience.