The Performance Analysis toolbar is located at the top of the main window. The toolbar provides you with quick access to commonly used commands and functions. Click a button on the toolbar to carry out the command. To see a description of each button, rest your mouse pointer over the button. Information about the button is displayed in a ToolTip.
The following are common Performance Analysis buttons.
Click this button... |
To... |
Functional in mode... |
Return to the last view you browsed. (Alt + Left) |
history |
Advance to the next view. This command is only available if you are browsing a previous view. (Alt + Right) |
history |
Click the button to immediately refresh the entire window with the most recent sampled data. The drop-down listing sets the automatic window refresh interval. Select None to disable automatic refresh. |
real-time |
Configure time of interest and manage the time bookmarks |
history |
The button determines whether the numeric metric displays are denominated as rates or cumulative summaries. (Time graph displays always display the metrics as rate (per second), regardless of the button selection.) For summary type detail, see Metric Totalings |
history and real-time |
Toggle display of change tracking points. |
history |
Launch the Compare tool |
history and home |
Print an Executive Summary or Analysis Report of this window |
home |
Toggle the present reporting period among the most recent:
Specify the default time frame here. |
home |