Dimension Filtering
Performance Analysis offers a filtering feature to limit display in the right pane History mode listing to only those dimensions matching a set of user-defined expression conditions.
When the history mode left tree-node focus is on a dimension of one of its constituting elements, the right lower-third pane listing is headed by the linked: "No filter applied: Click to create...". When clicked, the Define Filter dialog is displayed, wherein you define a set of filter expressions to limit display.
The available Fields are:
Currently in-focus dimension node
Displayed performance metrics
Note: Metrics can be added or deleted by enabling the grids customization and then right-click in the pane listing and selecting Select Metric... from the displayed shortcut menu.
The available Conditions are:
contains, does not contain, begins with, ends with and is (for the current node)
=,<>,>,<=,<,>= (for metrics)
The acceptable Values are:
any set of ASCII characters (for the current node)
any number (for metrics)