Time Navigation
Focus on historical periods of interest through time navigation. The vertical calibration is based on an average of recorded baseline peaks of observed behavior. Navigate in historical time within and between specific ranges by means of either:
Time range drop down listing - The drop-down time listing facilitates accessing time ranges relative to the present or defining customized time ranges as a baseline or bookmark for observance and return viewing. Unlike the default drop-down range specifications, which are relative to the moment of the query activation, time frames created from the editor are fixed. They can serve as persistent bookmarks for future reference and comparison.
Activity Timeline drilldown - The activity timeline is the principal display of Oracle activity.
To zoom (drilldown) into a period of interest
Click and drag the cursor (
)over the period:
The period of interest can be expanded in an iterative process in increasing measures of granularity:
To zoom (shrink) out from a period of interest
<shift> + click the cursor (
) at the point in time you want to be the center of a larger period.
Note: For drilldowns where period expansion requires display of data (in accordance with the displayed data interval) to granularity greater than that stored by StealthCollect, only the (most recent) periods for which data of the displayed granularity exists will be displayed. Decrease the data interval granularity to allow full period data display.
Activity timeline scrollbar - Horizontally scroll the entire range of data recorded in StealthCollect agent and repositories as displayed in the activity timeline. The scrollbar at the bottom of this view lets you perform the following tasks:
Scroll through your selected time period.
Page through the entire recorded history.
Select a time period to display.
To rapidly create a customized time range,
Click the Time range drop-down listing.
Click the Other... entry to display the Edit Time range dialog.
Use the From and To entries to specify a period of interest.
Clicking OK navigates you to the period.
Save the Range permanently by selecting the Save as Permanent checkbox and optionally supplying a Time Range Name other than the default range settings.
Alternatively, access the time range creation feature by
clicking Time range () to display the Time Range
Editor. Use the Add, Remove and Edit
buttons to display the Edit Time Range
dialog for creation of new time ranges or deletion or modification of
existing time ranges.
In both the predefined and customizable Relative Time Range, both Last and Previous time units (relative to the present moment) can be specified. "Last" refers to the immediately preceding, while "Previous" refers to the most recent whole unit. Thus, at 10:20 A.M. on Wednesday, August 18, the last hour, 7 days, and 30 days refer to: 9:20—10:20; 10:20 August 11—10:20 August 18; and 10:20 July 19—10:20 August 18, respectively, while the previous hour, day, week and month refer to: 9:00—10:00; August 17; August 8 (Sunday)—August 14; and July, respectively.