Opening Performance Analysis
Performance Analysis consists of client and agent components, supporting a variety of agent platforms and versions. The Performance Analysis Windows-based client installation file is available both as a download and on the installation CD.
To open the Performance Analysis client (GUI)
• Click the active instance node in Quest Database Management Solutions or
• Through the Performance Analysis Profiles dialog, access can be gained from either:
Clicking the Performance Analysis (
) icon on the desktop, or
Navigating to start | Programs | Quest Software | Performance Analysis | Performance Analysis
NOTE: Installation
of both the client and the agent components must be completed before Performance
Analysis can be used. As a prerequisite to successfully using Performance
Analysis ensure the monitored Oracle host is:
· Visible
to the client (GUI) on the network
· Running
and accessible through SQL*Net from the client
Managing Connections and Logging On
Performance Analysis maintains monitored Oracle instance specifics as logon profiles. The All Connections dialog can be used to create new connections (using the New Connections icon) and to manage existing profiles (by right-clicking an existing profile).
Supply the following parameters to create a new logon profile:For a new connection, supply the following parameters:
Parameter |
Description |
Database |
TNS entry alias of the monitored instance |
The monitored instance identifier also referred to as the instance’s name. If the TNS entry was not specified with the SID qualifier, you will have to manually specify the instance’s SID. |
Agent Port |
The communication port number used to communicate with the Performance Analysis agent on the Oracle server host (on which the monitored instance resides). |
Use default agent authentication |
Select this option (default) when default agent authentication is used. Note: Quest recommends that this password be changed upon agent installation. |
User Name |
Enter the username employed for connecting to the agent. |
Password |
Enter the password employed for connecting to the agent. Note: View and modify the agent user's logon details through the Agent User's Manager dialog. |
Save password details (for this connection) |
(Available only when non-default StealthCollect agent authentication
details are used) |
Click here for more information on managing connections.
Click Tools | Options to display the connection configuration options.
The Always prompt for Username and Password checkbox requires users to enter the appropriate username and password each time the client connects to the specified Oracle instance. To allow users to bypass this step, uncheck this box.
The Save password default checkbox sets the StealthCollect agent's logon password to the default value and allows users to monitor the specified Oracle instance without specifying a username and password.
The Connection Profile Directory field allows users to specify an alternate to the default directory for the Profile.xml files, which define the collection configuration parameters; the default profile directory is:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Quest Software\Shared\Profiles\<Instance>
RAC Configuration (if present)
The Performance Analysis GUI consolidates the activity originating in all individual cluster nodes into a single logical cluster view. No modifications to the Performance Analysis agent (StealthCollect) installation are required for individual RAC nodes.
To configure Performance Analysis for RAC
Install the Performance Analysis agent (StealthCollect) on each node participating in the RAC. Ensure that identical configuration settings (including those for the performance repository if created) are specified during each installation.
Launch Performance Analysis from a RAC TNS Entry in the displayed Database field in the All Connections | New Properties dialog.
Upon initial connection, specify the appropriate instance name [SID] for each node participating in the RAC in the displayed TNSNames Additional Information dialog.
Click OK to complete the configuration and to connect to the Performance Analysis RAC view.
Note: The Performance Analysis agent should not be installed on the shared disk.
Caution: Performance Analysis will only recognize nodes explicitly listed in the RAC TNSNames entry.