User Defined Collections (UDCs)
Like Shortcuts,
User Defined Collections () are a mechanism by which Oracle
resource consumption can be analyzed over selected domains and filters
across different time periods. Unlike shortcuts, UDCs involve an additional
collection of historical data, requiring middleware CPU and storage resources. Requesting
inclusion of only those dimensions and time periods of interest minimizes
unnecessary resource usage. Because of this additional resource consumption
it imposes, you are advised to limit the quantity of concurrent UDCs to
only those that are critical. Similarly, you are well advised to delete
UDCs once you have completed your usage of them.
Data for UDC is kept within middleware files and not in the Performance Repository.
The default history collection addresses the entire system activity and therefore records activity only at a level of significance to the entire system-wide picture, so some of the activity is left out. Use User Defined Collections when you have identified a specific activity of interest and the granularity level provided in the default system collection is insufficient. By creating a UDC, you can record and monitor activity of interest at any level of granularity.
Added UDCs appear as additional Views tree nodes and are navigated in the same manner as the instance. The initial UDC node view is that of the total activity recorded by the specified dimension aggregation filter when the UDC was created and drilldowns reflect the dimension subsets.
After creation, you can only alter the history collection and storage attributes. For more information, see Configuring User Defined Collections.
To delete your User Defined Collections
Right-click the UDC tree node to display the pop-up menu. Select Delete.
From the Toolbar, click Configure | StealthCollect. From within the User Defined Collections node, with the cursor focus on the UDC to be eliminated, click Delete.
In addition to Delete, from within Configure | StealthCollect | User Defined Collection, you can also:
Clear your UDC of data. Perform this action to reset the existing content of the collection in situations where the data is no longer valid or of interest.
Stop/Start the UDC from continued and additional activity. Use this action when you seek to preserve the collected data but have no further or a renewed interest in any further collection.