Attribute List

NI 5431 Composite Video Generator

NI 5431 Composite Video Generator
Attribute List

The following table lists and describes the LabVIEW attributes and their default values based on the standard video type.

Attribute List

Attribute NameValue Description Unit Default Value
SYNC_AMPLITUDE (IRE)double*Level of the synchronization pulses. The sync level is negative. A positive value is inverted by the software.IRENTSC: -40
SECAM: –40
Std PAL: –43
M-PAL: –40
N-PAL: –40
Comb N-PAL: –43
ZERO_LEVEL (IRE)double*Level of zero or blanking.IRE0
SETUP_LEVEL (IRE)double*Level of black. The value indicates the setup level, that is the difference between blanking and black.IRENTSC: 7.5
Std PAL: 0.0
SECAM: 0.0
M-PAL: 7.5
N-PAL: 7.5
Comb N-PAL: 0
WHITE_LEVEL (IRE)double*Level of white.IRE100.00
SAMPLING_FREQUENCY (Hz)double*Sampling frequency of the generator.HzNTSC: 20.013986
M-PAL: 20.013986
SAMPLES_PER_LINEintNumber of samples in a video line.sampleNTSC: 1272
M-PAL: 1272
REFERENCE_LINEintNumber of the line that starts at the vertical sync edge.lineNTSC: 4
M-PAL: 4
others: 1
SYNC_DURATION (US)double*Duration of the HSync pulse.µs4.74.
SYNC_START (US)double*Where the falling edge of sync signal reach 50% of the sync level.µs0.00
SYNC_RISETIME (US)double*Time between 10–90% of the sync level.µs0.2
BURST_DURATION (US)double*Duration of the color burst.µsStd PAL: 2.25
SECAM: 2.25
N-PAL: 2.25
others: 2.5
BURST_START (US)double*Where the amplitude of the color burst signal reach 50% of BURST_AMPLITUDE.µsNTSC : 5.3
N-PAL: 5.8
others: 5.6
BURST_RISETIME (US)double*10–90% rise time of the color burst signal.µs0.2
BURST_AMPLITUDE (IRE)double*Amplitude of the color burst.IRENTSC: 20.0
others: 21.4
SUBCARRIER_PERIODS_ PER_LINEdouble*Number of periods of the chroma subcarrier in a video line.periodsNTSC: 227.5000
Std PAL: 283.7516
M-PAL: 227.2500
CombN-PAL: 229.2516 (not applicable for SECAM)
SUBCARRIER_START_PHASE (DEG)double*Color modulation start phase.degrees0.00
SUBCARRIER_SECOND_ HARMONIC (%)double*Color modulation second harmonic distortion.%0.00 (not applicable for SECAM)
SUBCARRIER_THIRD_ HARMONIC (%)double*Color modulation third harmonic distortion.%0.00
BRIGHTNESS (IRE)double*Brightness value added the Y signal.IRE0.00
CONTRASTdouble*Contrast factor.none1.00
SATURATIONdouble*Saturation factor.none1.00
TINT(DEG)double*Hue offset angle (NSTC only).degree0.00
GAMMAdouble*Gamma correction factor.none1.00
IMAGE_INTERLACEDintIs the image (yes)
IMAGE_TOP (LINES)intLine number where the image starts in the video frame.lineNTSC: 22
M-PAL: 22
others: 21
IMAGE_HEIGHT (LINES)intNumber of line of the image to be used.lineNTSC: 480
M-PAL: 480
others: 576
IMAGE_X_START (US)double*Specify the time from the beginning of each line where the active image starts.µsStd PAL: 10.5
SECAM: 10.5
CombN-PAL: 10.5
others: 9.5
IMAGE_DURATION (US)double*Specify the duration of the active image on each line.µsNTSC: 52.2
M-PAL: 52.2
N-PAL: 53.0
others: 52.0
IMAGE_WIDTH (PIXELS)intNumber of line pixels of the image to be used.pixelNTSC: 640
M-PAL: 640
others: 768
INPUT_GAINdouble*Used only with 16-bit pixels as input data.none100 IRE/65535 lsb = 1.5259–3
INPUT_OFFSETdouble*Used only with 16-bit pixels as input data.none0
OUTPUT_GAINdouble*Used only with 16-bit pixels as output data.none25000 lsb/100 IRE = 250
OUTPUT_OFFSETdouble*Used only with 16-bit pixels as output data.none–4000 lsb
NOISE _LEVEL (IRE RMS)double*Level of white noise to be added to the generated signal.IRE rms0.00
DIGITAL_DELAY (PIXELS)intDelay between the analog sync and the digital sync signals.samples28
FIELD_POLARITYintField digital signal polarity.Logical0 (negative)
Y_FILTERintLowpass filter used for the Y component.filter1none
UV_FILTERintLowpass filter used for the U and V components.filter11.3 MHz IIR
I_FILTERintLowpass filter used for the I component.filter11.3 MHz IIR
Q_FILTERintLowpass filter used for the Q component.filter10.4 MHz IIR
C_FILTERintLowpass filter used for the C component.filter1none
COMPOSITE_FILTERintLowpass filter used for the composite signal.filter1none
SECAM_BOTTLE_SHAPE_ SIGNALintEnables the bottle shape signals (SECAM only)Disable/ Enabled1 (enabled)
U or Q GainDouble*Gain applied to the U or the Q signalnone1.00
V or I GainDouble*Gain applied to the V or the I signalnone1.00
  1. Refer to How the NI 5431 Generates Video Signals

The following figure shows the relationship between the sync and burst timings and the attribute name. For example, the number 3 is specified by the attribute Sync Duration (us).

1White Level (IRE) 2Sync Start (us)
3Sync Duration (us) 4Burst Start 9 (us)
5Image X Start (us) 6Setup Level (IRE)
7Burst Amplitude (IRE) 8Zero Level (IRE)
9Burst Duration (us) 10Sync Amplitude (IRE)
11Sync Rise Time (us) 12Burst Rise Time (us)