Advanced Color Bars from ITS with Custom Filters

NI 5431 Composite Video Generator

NI 5431 Composite Video Generator
Advanced Color Bars from ITS with Custom Filters

This VI shows you how to repeat a specific ITS-defined line to create a whole image or portion of an image. It also shows how to define and apply user-specific filters. This VI can create, download, and generate M-NTSC, Standard-PAL, or SECAM signals.

You can access this VI example in the LabVIEW palette by selecting Functions»Video Generation»Generator Examples»Advanced Color bars from ITS with custom filters.

To repeat a specific ITS-defined line to create an image, follow these steps:

  1. After selecting the example VI icon in the LabVIEW palette, click the LabVIEW diagram to place the icon there. Double-click the VI example icon to open it in LabVIEW.
  2. Note  You can also access this VI from the installation drive by double-clicking the Composite Video Generator Examples.llb library. The File Dialog box appears. Click Advanced Color bars from ITS with custom, then click OK. The VI opens in LabVIEW.
  3. Make sure theDevice ID control value matches device number assigned in MAX during device configuration. Refer to the NI Signal Sources Getting Started Guide for more information about device configuration.
  4. On the front panel of the VI, using the LabVIEW palette operating tool and the up and down arrows on the Video type control, select the appropriate video format.
  5. Run the VI.

The result shows an image that contains 200 color bar lines. The color bars are defined as in the Create RGB Color Bars Insertion Test Signal example. Furthermore, this example shows how to define and apply custom filters. The luma and chroma components are filtered using FIR filters without overshoot in the step response. The filter coefficients, represented by the impulse response of an FIR filter, are calculated using the example Calculate Zero-Overshoot Lowpass Filter. When you apply a step signal to the different filters, you get a smooth and symmetrical edge without any overshoot. See the front panel of the subVI for more details on the filter step response and frequency characteristics.