IviFgen Interchangeability

LabVIEW IVI Class Driver

IviFgen Interchangeability

The IviFGen class driver performs interchangeability checking when the IviFgen Interchange Check property is set to TRUE and you call the IviFgen Initiate Generation VI.

In addition to the general interchangeability checking rules, the IviFgen class defines additional rules and exceptions for each capability group.

IviFgenStdFunc If the IviFgen Output Mode property is not set to IVIFGEN_VAL_OUTPUT_FUNC, no properties in the IviFgenStdFunc extension group are required to be in a user-specified state. If the IviFgen Output Enabled property is set to FALSE on a channel, no properties in the IviFgenStdFunc extension group are required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.

If the IviFgen Waveform property is set to IVIFGEN_VAL_WFM_DC on a channel, the following properties are not required to be in a user-specified state on that channel:

  • IviFgen Func Amplitude
  • IviFgen Frequency
  • IviFgen Start Phase

If the IviFgen Waveform property is set to IVIFGEN_VAL_WFM_SQUARE on a channel, the IviFgen Duty Cycle High property is required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.


If the IviFgen Output Mode property is not set to IVIFGEN_VAL_OUTPUT_ARB, no properties in the IviFgenArbWaveform extension group are required to be in a user-specified state.

If the IVIFGEN_ATTR_OUTPUT_ENABLED property is set to FALSE on a channel, no properties in the IviFgenArbWaveform extension group are required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.


If the IviFgen Output Mode property is not set to IVIFGEN_VAL_OUTPUT_SEQ, no properties in the IviFgenArbSequence extension group are required to be in a user-specified state.

If the IviFgen Output Enabled property is set to FALSE on a channel, no properties in the IviFgenArbSequence extension group are required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.


If the IviFgen Operation Mode property is not set to IVIFGEN_VAL_OPERATE_BURST, no properties in the IviFgenTrigger extension group are required to be in a user-specified state.

IviFgenInternal Trigger

If the IviFgen Trigger Source property is not set to IVIFGEN_VAL_INTERNAL_TRIGGER, no properties in the IviFgenInternalTrigger extension group are required to be in a user-specified state.


If the IviFgen Operation Mode property is not set to IVIFGEN_VAL_OPERATE_BURST, no properties in the IviFgenBurst extension group are required to be in a user-specified state.

If the IviFgen Output Enabled property is set to FALSE on a channel, no properties in the IviFgenBurst extension group are required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.


If the IviFgen Output Enabled property is set to FALSE on a channel, no properties in the IviFgenModulateAM extension group are required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.

If the IviFgen AM Enabled property is not set to TRUE on a channel, the IviFgen AM Source property is not required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.

If the IviFgen AM Source is not set to IviFgen AM Internal on at least one channel, the following properties are not required to be in a user-specified state.

  • IviFgen AM Internal Depth
  • IviFgen AM Internal Waveform
  • IviFgen AM Internal Frequency

If the IviFgen Output Enabled property is set to FALSE on a channel, no properties in the IviFgenModulateFM extension group are required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.

If the IviFgen FM Enabled property is not set to TRUE on a channel, the IviFgen FM Source property is not required to be in a user-specified state on that channel.

If the IviFgen FM Source is not set to IviFgen FM Internal on at least one channel, the following properties are not required to be in a user-specified state.

  • IviFgen FM Internal Deviation
  • IviFgen FM Internal Waveform
  • IviFgen FM Internal Frequency

The IviFgen class does not define additional interchangeability rules or exceptions for the following extension capability groups: IviFgenBase, IviFgenSoftwareTrigger.