Enter and edit data by using shortcut keys

Microsoft Graph

Enter and edit data by using shortcut keys

Press To
ENTER Complete a cell entry and move down in the selection
SHIFT+ENTER Complete a cell entry and move up in the selection
TAB Complete a cell entry and move to the right in the selection
SHIFT+TAB Complete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection
ESC Cancel a cell entry
BACKSPACE Delete the character to the left of the insertion point, or delete the selection
DELETE Delete the character to the right of the insertion point, or delete the selection
CTRL+DELETE Delete text to the end of the line
Arrow keys Move one character left (LEFT ARROW) or right (RIGHT ARROW) within a cell, or return to the previous location of the insertion point (UP ARROW), or move to the end of the cell contents (DOWN ARROW); or move one cell up, down, left, or right within the datasheet
HOME Move to the beginning of the line within a cell; or move to the beginning of a row within the datasheet
END Move to the end of the line within a cell; or move to the end of a row within the datasheet
CTRL+PERIOD Move clockwise to the next corner of a selected range of cells
F2 Edit or append data to the contents of the active cell
CTRL+; (SEMICOLON) Enter the date (datasheet only)
CTRL+SHIFT+: (COLON) Enter the time (datasheet only)
CTRL+C Copy the selection
CTRL+V Paste the selection
CTRL+X Cut the selection
DELETE Clear the contents of the selection
CTRL+SHIFT+PLUS SIGN Insert blank cells
CTRL+ – Delete the selection
CTRL+Z Undo the last action