
Far Manager


The Message function shows a message.
int WINAPI Message(
  int PluginNumber,
  DWORD Flags,
  const char *HelpTopic,
  const char * const *Items,
  int ItemsNumber,
  int ButtonsNumber


Number of the plugin module. It is passed to the plugin in the SetStartupInfo function.
Can be a combination of the following values (FARMESSAGEFLAGS enum):
FMSG_WARNING Warning message colors are used (white text on red background by default).
FMSG_ERRORTYPE If error type returned by GetLastError is known to FAR or Windows, the error description will be shown in the first message line. In that case, the text given by the plugin will be displayed below the error description.
FMSG_KEEPBACKGROUND Do not redraw the message background.
FMSG_DOWN Display the message two lines lower than usual.
FMSG_LEFTALIGN Left align the message lines instead of centering them.
FMSG_ALLINONE In this case the Items parameter is not an array of string pointers. Instead it points to a single string in which the lines of the message are separated by the newline character '\n'.

Minimal number of lines is - 2 - a title and one message line.

If this flag is specified the ItemsNumber parameter is ignored and the number of lines shown is calculated automatically (taking into account the button flags -FMSG_MB_*).

To suppress title output when this flag is specified, start the line with a '\n' character.

FMSG_MB_OK Additional button: <Ok>
FMSG_MB_OKCANCEL Additional buttons: <Ok> and <Cancel>
FMSG_MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE Additional buttons: <Abort>, <Retry> and <Ignore>
FMSG_MB_YESNO Additional buttons: <Yes> and <No>
FMSG_MB_YESNOCANCEL Additional buttons: <Yes>, <No> and <Cancel>
FMSG_MB_RETRYCANCEL Additional buttons: <Retry> and <Cancel>
The help topic associated with the message.Set to NULL if help is not used.
Address of an array of pointers to null-terminated text strings. The first string is the message title, the last ButtonsNumber strings are buttons, and all other strings belong to the message body.
To draw a single border line start the string with a character with code 1 (\x001).
To draw a double border line start the string with a character with code 2 (\x002).
See also the description of the flag FMSG_ALLINONE
Number of strings in the array passed in the Items parameter. Minimal values - 2 lines.
Number of strings which are shown as buttons. If one of the FMSG_MB_* flags is set, this value is ignored.

Return value

This function returns either -1, if the user cancelled the message (or the sysrem could not allocate enough memory for internal buffers), or the number of the selected button (for the first button 0 is returned, for the second 1 is returned, and so on).


  1. In FAR Manager versions up to (and including) 1.70 beta 4 the maximum number of items in a message (including the buttons) was limited to 13.
  2. If ButtonsNumber is zero and none of the FMSG_MB_* flags is set the plugin should restore the screen either by using RestoreScreen or in any other way when the message output is no longer necessary
  3. If ButtonsNumber is not equal to zero, the screen will be restored by FAR.
  4. If Items is NULL or the total number of items is less than 2, the message is not shown.
  5. When FMSG_MB_* button flags are specified the ButtonsNumber parameter is ignored.
  6. It is possible to specify hotkeys for buttons.
  7. When using the FMSG_ALLINONE flag you need to do an explicit typecast to achieve error free compilation:
      (const char * const *)"Title\nItem1\nItem2\nItem3",
    const char *Msg="Title\nItem1\nItem2\nItem3\nOk\nCancel";
      (const char * const *)Msg,


The following function displays a file deletion confirmation dialog:
file deletion confirmation dialog
BOOL IsDeleted(char *filename)
  const char *Msg[5];

  Msg[0]=GetMsg(MTitle);       // message title
  Msg[1]=GetMsg(MIsDeleted);   // message body
  Msg[3]=GetMsg(MDelete);      // last ButtonsNumber (2) strings are buttons

  return Info.Message(Info.ModuleNumber,
               2) == 0;
Info is defined as a global variable:
struct PluginStartupInfo Info;
...and is initialized in the SetStartupInfo function:
void WINAPI _export SetStartupInfo(struct PluginStartupInfo *Info)
See also: