
Far Manager


The FarListItem structure describes one item in a DI_LISTBOX or DI_COMBOBOX list.
struct FarListItem
  DWORD Flags;
  char Text[128];
  DWORD Reserved[3];


Can be a combination of the following values (LISTITEMFLAGS enum):
LIF_SELECTED Item selection flag. It must be set only for one item.
LIF_CHECKED If this flag is set, a selection mark is displayed before the item's text. (character with code 0xFB, for example).
LIF_SEPARATOR If this flag is set, the menu item is displayed as a separator. If Text is not empty, it is drawn over the separator line.
LIF_DISABLE If this flag is set, the list item becomes disabled.
LIF_GRAYED If this flag is set, the list item is shown, but cannot be selected.
LIF_HIDDEN If this flag is set, the list item is not shown.
LIF_DELETEUSERDATA This flag is set in the Item parameter of the DM_LISTUPDATE message, if it is needed to delete related data when list item is being updated.
Item text.
Reserved. Must be 0.


See also: