Service functions

Far Manager

Service functions

The following functions allow plugins to use FAR menu, dialogs, language support and some other useful functionality. Pointers to these functions are passed to plugins in the SetStartupInfo function.

Attention! Attention!

  • Some of the functions listed below are absent in the older FAR versions. Read the remarks to the PluginStartupInfo structure and the GetMinFarVersion function for more information.

Common functions

AdvControl advanced control functions; can be called from anywhere: panels, viewer or editor.
CharTable allows to get information about installed character tables.
CmpName function compares a text string (for example, a file name) with a pattern (mask).
GetMsg returns a message from the language file.
Menu shows a menu.
RestoreScreen restores a screen area previously saved by SaveScreen.
SaveScreen saves a screen area.
ShowHelp shows the specified FAR help topic for the specified hlf file.
Text writes a text string to the screen.

Panel specific functions

Control allows to request different information about the FAR panels and perform various control actions.
FreeDirList releases the memory allocated for files list by GetDirList and GetPluginDirList functions.
GetDirList returns the list of files in the specified directory.
GetPluginDirList returns list of files in the specified directory in the file system emulated by a plugin.

Editor specific functions

Editor allows to invoke the FAR internal editor.
EditorControl provides access to low level internal editor API.

Dialog API specific functions

DefDlgProc allows to call the internal dialog callback function.
Dialog shows a dialog.
DialogEx shows a dialog that allows to assign for it a callback function.
InputBox a simple dialog box allowing to enter one line of text.
Message shows a message.
SendDlgMessage used to send a message to the dialog callback function.

Viewer specific functions

Viewer allows to invoke the internal viewer.
ViewerControl allows to query and control the state of the internal viewer
See also: