How to make a FAR plug-in using Visual C++

Far Manager

How to make a FAR plug-in using Visual C++
step by step

Phoenix aka Ruslan Ilgasov ?subject=Articles"> [][email protected]

It's difficult to find a man who doesn't know about or who doesn't use FAR - IMHO the best NC clone for Windows. It is really very good file-manager, moreover, there are a lot of plug-in modules for it. Plug-in module is a DLL file that uses FAR functions instead of using standard Windows functions in order to work with monitor, keyboard, etc. FAR supports all functions necessary for working in the text mode. You can install the plug-in module easily - just copy DLL file and data files to the folder under Far\Plugins and restart FAR.

FAR is distributed along with the full set of files required for writing a plug-in using any Windows-based C compiler. This article guides how to make a FAR plug-in using Visual C++ (I used Visual C++ 5.0). After FAR is installed, there's a PlugDoc.rar file in its folder that contains examples of plug-ins and header file (note: beginning from FAR 1.70 beta 5 examples are installed into the separate PlugDoc folder). All the examples are used in FAR. Also, the VCReadme.txt is included there, in which the details of Visual C++ workflow are described. You'll investigate examples later.

We'll write the plug-in that gets the list of open windows and can be used as a prototype for your own plug-ins. As a matter of fact, you have only to start, the things are not so complicated as you can think. So, let's go:

  1. Start VC, and make a new project named SimpleFP from the "Win32 Dynamic-Link Library" template. Create simplefp.cpp file - we'll actually write there. Copy plugin.hpp header file from the PlugDoc.rar archive to the SimpleFP folder. (note: the samples are installed into the PlugDoc folder, beginning from FAR 1.70 beta 5).
  2. We should make a .def file now - the file where the functions called from external modules are described. We should describe the FAR functions that we'll use in our module. So, make a simplefp.def text file, in which:
    Here we describe the 3 functions we'll need later. Now add the simpledef.def to the project files (Project - Add to project - Files - simplefp.def).
  3. We're writing the plug-in now - working with simplefp.cpp file. I decided the source text to be commented, so you can copy it into C++ and begin to play with it. But let's begin from fundamentals.

Far works using the same principles as Windows uses - in your program you call any functions you want if they are already exist in the system. Far provides functions for handling form views in the console application mode. When starting a plug-in, FAR starts OpenPlugin function, we'll treat it as similar to main() or WinMain(). But we still have to pass our plug-in data to FAR. The GetPluginInfo function does that.

* SimpleFP - a simple FAR plug-in. (C) 2000 Phoenix, Moscow

#include <stdio.h>    // for sprintf calling
#include <windows.h>  // for Windows functions
#include "plugin.hpp" // for FAR functions

#define PLUGIN_NAME "Open windows"      // Plug-in name
#define WINDOW_HEAD "Open windows list" // Our menu title

// Here the FAR functions we are working with are described.

extern "C"
void WINAPI _export SetStartupInfo(struct PluginStartupInfo *Info);
HANDLE WINAPI _export OpenPlugin(int OpenFrom,int Item);
void WINAPI _export GetPluginInfo(struct PluginInfo *Info);

static struct PluginStartupInfo Info; // Our plug-in info

// Module information is defined in the Info structure

void WINAPI _export SetStartupInfo(struct PluginStartupInfo *Info)

// This function is called to get the plug-in information.
// We must fill the Info structure fields.

void WINAPI _export GetPluginInfo(struct PluginInfo *Info)
  Info->StructSize=sizeof(*Info); // Info structure size
  Info->Flags=0; // It's useless for us
  Info->DiskMenuStringsNumber=0; // It's also useless for us

  // Determine a string with module name
  static char *PluginMenuStrings[1];
  PluginMenuStrings[0]= PLUGIN_NAME;

  // Determine a plug-in module name
  Info->PluginConfigStringsNumber=0; // It's useless for us

// This function is called when starting the plug-in module.

HANDLE WINAPI _export OpenPlugin(int OpenFrom,int Item)
  HWND hwnd; // Use it to get the handle
  char p[128], o[128]; // Use it to create a menu string
  int i=0; // Counter

  struct FarMenuItem MenuItems[64]; // Description of the menu that FAR creates for us
  memset(MenuItems,0,sizeof(MenuItems)); // Initialize our menu

  hwnd = GetDesktopWindow(); // Get desktop handle
  hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD); // Get its handle
  while (hwnd !=0) // While it is not last
    hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); // Get window handle
    GetWindowText(hwnd,p,128); // and its caption
    if (strlen(p)>0) // if caption exists
      sprintf(o,"%0.8xld %s", hwnd, p); // create a string
      strcpy(MenuItems[i++].Text, o); // copy this string to the MenuItems array

  // Call the menu we created just now, get the selected item number - MenuCode
  int MenuCode=Info.Menu(Info.ModuleNumber,
                  "Menu content",


Then, compile the project, copy to Far\Plugins folder, and restart FAR. When in FAR, press F11 - this is the list of plug-in modules. "Open windows" string must be there. Look at the result. You can now develop it, for example, process the MenuCode data, and then pass the WM_CLOSE message to the selected window, or do something more peculiar. Plug-in modules creation for FAR is well-documented, so you can investigate that.

Encyclopedia includes archive - a DLL file example (~20Kb)

Phoenix aka Ruslan Ilgasov, Moscow
E-Mail:[email protected]
FIDO: 2:5020/2637.2