Dialog API Events

Far Manager

Dialog API Events

DN_CLOSE Sent before the dialog is closed.
DN_BTNCLICK Sent after a button, radiobutton or checkbox was clicked.
DN_CTLCOLORDIALOG Sent before the dialog background is drawn, for changing its color.
DN_CTLCOLORDLGITEM Sent before a dialog item is drawn, for changing its color.
DN_CTLCOLORDLGLIST Sent before a list is drawn, for changing its color.
DN_DRAGGED Notification of dialog dragging.
DN_DRAWDIALOG Sent before the dialog is drawn.
DN_DRAWDIALOGDONE Sent after the dialog has been drawn.
DN_DRAWDLGITEM Sent before a dialog item is drawn.
DN_EDITCHANGE Sent when the text in the dialog edit control has changed.
DN_ENTERIDLE Sent when the dialog enters the idle state.
DN_GOTFOCUS Sent when the dialog item gets input focus.
DN_HELP Sent before a help topic is displayed.
DN_HOTKEY Sent after the user has pressed an hotkey (Alt-).
DN_INITDIALOG Sent before initializing the dialog.
DN_KEY Sent after the user has pressed a key in the dialog.
DN_KILLFOCUS Sent before a dialog item loses the input focus.
DN_LISTCHANGE Sent when a list item is changed.
DN_LISTHOTKEY Sent after the user has pressed an hotkey (Alt-) inside a list.
DN_MOUSECLICK Sent after the user has clicked one of the dialog items with the mouse.
DN_MOUSEEVENT Sent before a mouse event is handled by the dialog kernel.
DN_RESIZECONSOLE Sent after the size of the console window has changed.
See also: