Far Manager


The DI_BUTTON dialog item describes a Push Button control.
struct FarDialogItem
  int Type          = DI_BUTTON
  int X1            = X
  int Y1            = Y
  int X2            = 0 (not used in Dialog API 1.0)
  int Y2            = Y (equals to Y1)
  int Focus         = Focus
  int Selected      = Selected
  DWORD Flags       = Flags
  int DefaultButton = DefaultButton
  char Data[512]    = Button caption

Attention! Attention!

  • This is an exemplary structure; read full description here.


Keyboard focus flag.


If the button had focus when the user pressed <Enter> this field is set to 1.


There are several flags applicable to the DI_BUTTON item:
DIF_BTNNOCLOSE Disables dialog closing after pressing the button.

Sequential items having this flag set and equal vertical coordinates will be horizontally centered in the dialog. Their X1 and X2 coordinates are ignored. Useful for centering button groups.

DIF_NOBRACKETS Display button titles without brackets.
DIF_SETCOLOR The low byte of Flags will be used as the item color.
DIF_DISABLE Disables user access to the control.
DIF_NOFOCUS The dialog item cannot receive keyboard focus, but can handle other user events.
DIF_SHOWAMPERSAND Show ampersand symbol in caption instead of using it for defining hotkeys.


DN_DRAWDLGITEM This event is sent to the dialog callback function just before the button control is drawn.
DN_CTLCOLORDLGITEM The plugin should pass the color attributes of the button when this event arrives. Param2 argument (foreground+background):
LoWord LoByte - color of the caption
                (COL_WARNDIALOGBUTTON or
LoWord HiByte - color of highlighted text

Param2, when the button has focus:

LoWord LoByte - color of the caption
LoWord HiByte - color of highlighted text
HiWord LoByte - 0
HiWord HiByte - 0
If the special DIF_SETCOLOR flag is used, then the button's caption (LoWord LoByte) will be drawn according to the above settings.
DN_KEY This event comes after the user has pressed a key in the dialog.
DN_HOTKEY A hotkey was pressed (Alt-<letter>).
DN_MOUSECLICK This event comes after the user has clicked one of the dialog items or outside the dialog with a mouse button.
DN_BTNCLICK The button was pressed.
DN_KILLFOCUS This event is sent before the button loses the focus, if the flag DIF_NOFOCUS was not used.
DN_GOTFOCUS This event is sent after the button has received the keyboard focus, if the flag DIF_NOFOCUS was not used.


The FarDialogItem structure is described assuming the use of named unions. For more information, see _FAR_NO_NAMELESS_UNIONS.
See also: