Far Manager


The DI_TEXT dialog item describes a static text label.
struct FarDialogItem
  int Type          = DI_TEXT
  int X1            = X1
  int Y1            = Y
  int X2            = X2
  int Y2            = Y (not used in Dialog API 1.0, must be equal to Y1)
  int Focus         = 0
  int Selected      = 0
  DWORD Flags       = Flags
  int DefaultButton = 0
  char Data[512]    = text label

Attention! Attention!

  • This is an exemplary structure; read full description here.


There are several flags applicable to the DI_TEXT control:
DIF_SETCOLOR The low byte of Flags will be used as the item's color.
DIF_BOXCOLOR The text item will be displayed using frame color (COL_DIALOGBOX or COL_WARNDIALOGBOX)
DIF_CENTERGROUP Sequential strings with this flag set and equal vertical coordinates will be horizontally centered in the dialog. Their X1 and X2 coordinates are ignored.
DIF_SEPARATOR Draws a single-line separator. You may write any text on the separator line, just use Data and the coordinate fields.
DIF_SEPARATOR2 Draws a double-line separator. You may write any text on the separator line, just use Data and the coordinate fields.
DIF_SHOWAMPERSAND Show ampersand symbol in caption instead of using it for defining hotkeys.
DIF_CENTERTEXT Centers the text between the X1 and X2 coordinates.


DN_DRAWDLGITEM This event is sent to the dialog callback function just before the text item is drawn.
DN_CTLCOLORDLGITEM Plugin should pass the color attributes of the text item when this event comes. Param2 parameter (foreground+background):
LoWord LoByte - color of the text
                (COL_WARNDIALOGTEXT or
                If DIF_BOXCOLOR flag is set:
                 COL_WARNDIALOGBOX or
LoWord HiByte - color of highlighted text
HiWord LoByte - 0 (not used)
HiWord HiByte - 0 (not used)
If a special attribute is used (DIF_SETCOLOR flag), the text (LoWord LoByte) will be drawn according to the parameters.
DN_MOUSECLICK This event comes after the user has clicked one of the dialog items or outside the dialog with the mouse button.
DN_HOTKEY Hotkey was pressed (Alt-<letter>).


  1. It is recommended to set the Y2 coordinate correctly, although it's not used in Dialog API 1.0. Just set it equal to the Y1 coordinate.
  2. If the DIF_CENTERTEXT flag is set, the X2 field must have adequate value for the correct text centering.
  3. If the DIF_CENTERTEXT flag is not set, FAR will calculate X2 and Y2 coordinates automatically.
  4. If this text item is the first in the dialog items array, the text string is copied into the FAR console window title.
  5. If the text of the DI_TEXT item has a hotkey and DIF_SHOWAMPERSAND flag isn't set, then pressing Alt-Letter causes the keyboard focus to move to the next available dialog item.
See also: