
Far Manager


The FarMenuItemEx structure describes a single menu item. An array of structures of this type is passed to the Menu function. In order to use the FarMenuItemEx structure the FMENU_USEEXT flag should be set when the Menu function is called.
struct FarMenuItemEx
  DWORD Flags;
  union {
    char  Text[128];
    const char *TextPtr;
  } Text;
  DWORD AccelKey;
  DWORD Reserved;
  DWORD_PTR UserData;


Combination of the following values (the FARMENUFLAGS enumeration):
MIF_SELECTED Denotes a selected menu item. Only one item can be selected.
MIF_CHECKED Denotes a checked menu item. Check sign will be shown near the item.
MIF_SEPARATOR The menu item is shown as delimiter. Unlike in the FarMenuItem structure, the delimiter can contain text. The text is center-aligned and is not selectable.
MIF_DISABLE Denotes a disabled menu item.
MIF_GRAYED If this flag is set, the menu item is shown, but cannot be selected.
MIF_HIDDEN If this flag is set, the menu item is not shown.
MIF_USETEXTPTR The menu item uses the Text.TextPtr field.
The text of the menu item.
A pointer to the menu item text. Used in conjunction with the MIF_USETEXTPTR flag, if the Text.Text array has insufficient size or a string from a language file is used, for example:
struct FarMenuItemEx Item;
The FAR Manager key code which will be used to activate the menu item. Example: in the "Commands" menu pressing Ctrl-O is used to the select the "Panels On/Off" menu item. As opposed to the BreakKeys parameter of the Menu function, the AccelKey field is analogous to the hotkey.
Reserved for future use, should be set to 0.
User data associated with the menu item. FAR Manager does not use this field.


  1. In the low order word of the Flags a field character code can be specified which will be displayed as the check mark. In this case, FAR will automatically set the MIF_CHECKED flag for this menu item.
  2. If the low order word of the Flags field is 0 and the MIF_CHECKED flag is set, or if the low order word of the Flags field is 1, then the default check mark will be displayed: the character with code 0FBh ().
  3. If the MIF_SEPARATOR flag is used without text, the Text.Text or Text.TextPtr fields should be initialized to 0, for example:
    struct FarMenuItemEx Item;
  4. struct FarMenuItemEx Item;
See also: