Functions - Macros

Far Manager


Function list

You can use the following functions in the macro sequence:

Mathematical functions
Function Description
N=abs(N) Returns the absolute value of a numeric argument N.
N=max(N1,N2) Returns the maximal value of two numeric arguments N1 and N2.
N=min(N1,N2) Returns the minimal value of two numeric arguments N1 and N2.
N=mod(N1,N2) Division of N1 by the modulus N2.
N=int(V) Evaluates the V argument to a number.
String functions
Function Description
N=index(S1,S2) Returns the position of the first occurrence of the substring S2 within string S1, -1 otherwise.
N=rindex(S1,S2) Returns the position of the last occurrence of the substring S2 within string S1, -1 otherwise.
Result=replace(Str,Find,Replace[,Cnt]) Replace substing Find in Str with Replace, Cnt times (set Cnt to 0 or omit this parameter to replace all occurrences).
Returns the resulting string.
N=asc(S) Returns the code of character S.
S=chr(N) Returns the character for the code N.
S=itoa(N[,Radix]) Converts numeric value N to a string. Radix parameter defines the radix of the numerical representation for the number conversion. The valid Radix values are from 2 to 36. If Radix is omitted, base 10 is implied.
N=atoi(S[,Radix]) Converts string representation of a number N into a number. Radix parameter defines a radix to use during conversion of a string S. The valid Radix values are from 2 to 36.
If Radix is omitted, function tries to determine the correct value automatically.
N=len(V) Returns the length of the expression V. This function evaluates the value of V to a string and then returns the length of the string.
S=string(V) Converts the value of the expression V to a string.
S=substr(V,N1[,N2]) Returns the substring of the expression V beginning from position N1 with the length of N2.
If N2 parameter is omitted or equal to -1, function returns the substring from position N1 to the end of the string.
If N2 parameter is equal to 0, function returns empty string.
S=trim(V[,N]) Removes whitespace (spaces, tabs, line feeds, and carriage returns) from a string V: leading and trailing (N=0 or omitted), only leading (N=1), or only trailing (N=2).
S=lcase(S) Transforms the string S to lower-case.
S=ucase(S) Transforms the string S to upper-case.
S=date(format) Returns the current date/time according to the format format (See the $Date for the format description).
This function is similar to $Date macro-command but can also be used in expressions. The format argument is mandatory.
S=xlat(S) Returns the transliterated string.
This function is similar to $XLat macro command but can be used in expressions. Argument S is mandatory.
File functions
Function Description
S=fsplit(path,N) Splits the path path into the components and returns theirs combination depending on the flag combination N:
0x00000001Current drive in "C:" representation.
For network shares - "\\server\share"
0x00000002Rooted path in "\Program Files\Far\" representation
0x00000008Extension in ".EXT" representation or empty string, if there's no extension.
N=fexist(S) Checks if the file or folder S exists and returns 1 if true or 0 otherwise.
Usage of the '*' and '?' mask symbols is allowed in the S argument. In that case the function checks only the first occurrence of the file or folder.
This function does not work with the panels.
N=fattr(S) Returns the file system attributes of the file or folder S
0x00000001FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY. The file or folder is read-only. Applications can read the file but cannot write to it or delete it. In the case of a folder, applications cannot delete it.
0x00000002FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN. The file or folder is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.
0x00000004FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM. The file or folder is part of the operating system or is used exclusively by the operating system.
0x00000010FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY. This is a folder.
0x00000020FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE. The file or folder is an archive file. Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.
0x00000080FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL. The file or folder has no other attributes set. This attribute is valid only if used alone.
0x00000100FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY. The file is being used for temporary storage. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because often the application deletes the temporary file shortly after the handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data will be written after the handle is closed.
0x00000200FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE. The file is a sparse file.
0x00000400FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT. The file or folder has an associated reparse point.
0x00000800FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED. The file or folder is compressed. For a file, this means that all of the data in the file is compressed. For a folder, this means that compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
0x00001000FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE. The data of the file is not immediately available. This attribute indicates that the file data has been physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, the hierarchical storage management software. Applications should not arbitrarily change this attribute.
0x00002000FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED. The file or directory is not be indexed by the content indexing service.
0x00004000FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED. The file or folder is encrypted. For a file, this means that all data in the file is encrypted. For a folder, this means that encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
0x00010000FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL. A file is a virtual file.
if file system object does not exist this function returns -1.
Usage of the '*' and '?' mask symbols is allowed in the S argument. In that case the function checks only the first occurrence of the file or folder.
This function does not work with the panels.
Function Description
N=panel.fexist(panelType,S) Checks if the file or folder S exists in the active (panelType=0) or the passive (panelType=1) panel (returns 1 if true or 0 otherwise).
Usage of the '*' and '?' mask symbols is allowed in the S argument. In that case the function checks only the first occurrence of the file or folder.
This function works only with the panels.
N=panel.fattr(panelType,S) Returns the file system attributes of the file or folder S from the active (panelType=0) or the passive (panelType=1) panel.
0x00000001FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY. The file or folder is read-only. Applications can read the file but cannot write to it or delete it. In the case of a folder, applications cannot delete it.
0x00000002FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN. The file or folder is hidden. It is not included in an ordinary directory listing.
0x00000004FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM. The file or folder is part of the operating system or is used exclusively by the operating system.
0x00000010FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY. This is a folder.
0x00000020FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE. The file or folder is an archive file. Applications use this attribute to mark files for backup or removal.
0x00000080FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL. The file or folder has no other attributes set. This attribute is valid only if used alone.
0x00000100FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY. The file is being used for temporary storage. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because often the application deletes the temporary file shortly after the handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data will be written after the handle is closed.
0x00000200FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE. The file is a sparse file.
0x00000400FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT. The file or folder has an associated reparse point.
0x00000800FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED. The file or folder is compressed. For a file, this means that all of the data in the file is compressed. For a folder, this means that compression is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
0x00001000FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE. The data of the file is not immediately available. This attribute indicates that the file data has been physically moved to offline storage. This attribute is used by Remote Storage, the hierarchical storage management software. Applications should not arbitrarily change this attribute.
0x00002000FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED. The file or directory is not be indexed by the content indexing service.
0x00004000FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED. The file or folder is encrypted. For a file, this means that all data in the file is encrypted. For a folder, this means that encryption is the default for newly created files and subdirectories.
0x00010000FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL. A file is a virtual file.
if file system object does not exist this function returns -1.
Usage of the '*' and '?' mask symbols is allowed in the S argument. In that case the function checks only the first occurrence of the file or folder.
This function works only with the panels.
V=panelitem(panelType,itemIndex,propIndex) Queries the information for the panel element itemIndex from the active (panelType=0) or passive (panelType=1) panel. propIndex can be one of the following values:
0StringFile or folder name
1StringFile or folder short name
2NumberFile attributes
3StringCreation date/time
4StringLast access date/time
5StringLast modification date/time
7NumberPacked size
8Number"Is selected?"
9NumberNumber of the hardlinks
14NumberPosition of the element while reading from the file system
Date/time is returned in the DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS format. The values order and the delimiters are determined according to the regional settings. To receive information on the current file (under cursor) itemIndex should be set to 0.
N=panel.setpos(panelType,fileName) Positions the cursor on the element with name fileName on the active (panelType=0) or passive (panelType=1) panel.
Returns the position of the element or 0 if there is no such element.
For example, the following macro creates a directory named after the current date in YYYYMMDD format or positions the cursor on this directory if it already exists.
$If (fexist(%dt))
  F7 $Text %dt Enter
N=panel.setpath(panelType,pathName[,fileName]) In the active (panelType=0) or passive (panelType=1) panel changes folder to pathName and sets the cursor on the element with name fileName (if fileName parameter was specified).
Returns 1 if folder was changed successfully and 0 if folder does not exist.
For example, in the active panel change folder to "C:\WINDOWS", in the passive panel to "C:\Program Files", make left panel the active one and set cursor to "FAR" folder:
$if(APanel.Left) CtrlU $End
panel.SetPath(0,"C:\\Program Files","FAR")
N=panel.setposidx(panelType,indexItem) Positions the cursor on the element with index indexItem on the active (panelType=0) or the passive (panelType=1) panel.
Returns element position or 0 if such element does not exist.
Control functions
Function Description
V=iif(Cond,True,False) Conditional function. If condition Cond is true then True-expression is returned, False-expression otherwise.
Execution environment
Function Description
V=akey(N) Returns the name or code of the key combination that was used to call this macro. N = 0 - key code is returned, N = 1 - key name is returned.
See example in the full description $AKey
S=env(V) Returns the value of an environment variable V, for instance:
$if (Env("FARLANG") == "English") something... $end
B=msave(S) Stores the value of a global variable with the name S to the Vars area. Returns 0 in case of failure.
%%GlobalVars="Foo Bar"; %a=msave("%%GlobalVars");
V=clip(Cmd[,S]) Allows to perform miscellaneous manipulations on the Clipboard in accordance with the Cmd command:
0Returns data from the Clipboard; the S parameter is ignored; in case of error returns 0
1Put the string S to the Clipboard; in case of error returns 0
2Add the string S to the Clipboard; in case of error returns 0
3Copy the Windows Clipboard to the internal clipboard buffer; the S parameter is ignored; in case of error returns 0
4Copy the internal clipboard buffer to the Windows Clipboard; the S parameter is ignored; in case of error returns 0
For example, put to the Clipboard a list of selected files in the CSV format (name and size):
  $If(!APanel.Folder && PanelItem(0,0,8))
See $IClip, IClip.
V=flock(Nkey,NState) Toggles Lock keys state (NumLock, CapsLock, and ScrollLock).
Key Nkey:
State NState:
-1get key state
0toggle key to off
1toggle key to on
2toggle key to reverse state
In Windows 95/98/Me the function can change only CapsLock and ScrollLock states. Windows NT family (NT/2000/XP/...) has no such restriction.
The function is unstable (computer may freeze) and should be used carefully. For example, macro with CtrlCapsLock hot key (switching between windows) should be wrapped in certain way:
N=sleep(N) Pause macro execution for N milliseconds. Negative sleep time is considered to be an error and the function returns 0.
V=waitkey([N, [T]]) Waits until a key is pressed and returns its name (T=0) or value (T=1). When time to wait N (milliseconds) is up, function returns an empty string (T=0) or 0 (T=1). If N is omitted or is equal to 0, function will wait for key press infinitely.
S=key(V) Converts parameter V into the string equivalent of the key name.
If V is a string, its correctness is checked and returned back, if V is a number, it is converted into the string equivalent of the key name.
Function returns empty string in case of any errors.
N=eval(S[,T]) "Play back" (T=0) or check (T=1) macro sequence defined in the string S. If S contains syntax errors, the sequence will not be played.
FAR compiles sequence S.
For playback mode (T=0): if there are no errors, state of the current macro is preserved, and sequence Sbegins execution. After playing S, suspended macro continues its work.

If the sequence S compilation was successful, function returns 0, otherwise error code is returned:

1Unrecognized keyword 'keyword'
2Unrecognized function 'function'
3Incorrect number of arguments for function 'function'
4Unexpected $Else
5Unexpected $End
6Unexpected end of source string
7Expected 'keyword'
8Bad Hex Control Char
9Bad Control Char
10Variable Expected 'Variable'
11Expression Expected
12Zero-length macro

Local variables are common for both the current macro and the macro executed by eval.

For example, by pressing F10 we want to open an Explorer window with the current folder on the active panel, command line contents should be saved.
We set 2 string variables, in the Vars area, containing a macro sequence for saving and restoring the command line:

%%CmdSave=$If (!CmdLine.Empty) %Flg_Cmd=1;
          %CmdVal=CmdLine.Value; Esc $End

%%CmdRestore=$If (%Flg_Cmd==1) $Text %CmdVal
          %Flg_Cmd=0; %Num=%CmdCurPos;
          $While (%Num!=0) %Num=%Num-1; CtrlS $End $End
then we set the following macro to F10:
$If (APanel.Visible && (!APanel.Plugin || (!APanel.Bof &&(APanel.OPIFlags & 0x20))))
  $If (APanel.Current == "..")
    "%SystemRoot%\\explorer.exe /select,"
    $If (Apanel.LFN)
    $If (!Apanel.LFN)

User interaction
Function Description
N=msgbox([Title[,Text[,Flags]]]) Shows up the message box with the Text and the Title. Lines in the Text argument should be delimited by '\n'.
Flags can be a combination of the following values:
0x00000001Use the 'Warning' color scheme (usually white text on red background).
0x00000008Show the message lower by two lines.
0x00000010Use the left alignment for the message strings (align to center of not specified).
0x00010000Show the <Ok> button.
0x00020000Show the <Ok> and <Cancel> buttons.
0x00030000Show the <Abort>, <Retry> and <Ignore> buttons.
0x00040000Show the <Yes> and <No> buttons.
0x00050000Show the <Yes>, <No> and <Cancel> buttons.
0x00060000Show the <Retry> and <Cancel> buttons.
If the Flags argument is 0 (or omitted) then standard message box is displayed with the <Ok> button.
The return value is the number of the button the user selected (1 for the first, 2 for the second, etc.), if user canceled the message the result will be 0.
S=prompt("Title"[,"Prompt"[,flags[, "Src"[, "History"]]]]) Function allows to enter one text string.
Parameters: Title - dialog caption, Prompt - prompt for input, Src - initial input string value, History - input history name
Flags can be the set of these values (similar to FIB_* constants):
0x00000001the function will return empty string if the input string is empty.
0x00000002entered text is represented by '*' on the screen, used for passwords input
0x00000004after a successful input, any environment variables within the input string will be replaced by their values in the resulting string S, e.g. if the user entered '%TEMP%', then S will contain 'C:\TEMP'.
0x00000008if Src is empty and History is not empty, then do not initialize the input line from the history.
0x00000010display a separator and the [OK] and [Cancel] buttons below the input line. The dialog will grow by 2 lines.
0x00000020the ampersand character will not be shown in the prompt string but can instead be used to define a hotkey.
Function returns a string entered by user.
For example, ask for password and show it:
%s=prompt("Password","Input password:",0x02); $Text %s
Control elements
Function Description
N=checkhotkey(S[,Pos]) Function checks and gets the position of the element (starting from Pos), which contains hot key S. If S is an empty string, then function will return the position of the element without hot keys.
Returns: -1 - if called from the wrong area (MainMenu, Menu, Disks, UserMenu, and Dialog), 0 - nothing was nound, > 0 - if menu/dialog/list contains hot key S.

For example, in the plugin menu (F11), hot key '7' is defined for S&R plugin. Macro sequence for the editor

F11 $if (checkhotkey("7")) 7 1 $else Esc AltF7 $end
will call the plugin if hot key is defined, or standard Search dialog, if hot key is not defined.

S=gethotkey(N) Returns the hot key S for item N, if the item has a hot key and the current "object" is a menu. Otherwise 0 is returned.
N - item position beginning with 1 (0 - current item).
N=Menu.Select(S[,N]) In the menu, places cursor to the first item that contains S substring. String is searched according to the mode N:
0string is S
1string begins with S
2string ends with S
3string contains S
Search is case-insensitive. If item is not found, does nothing.
Returns: -1=Error - if called not from the menu, 0=Placement error (item is absent or disabled), otherwise returns menu item position.
F11 $if(Menu.Select("Advanced compare",0) > 0) Enter $end
If N parameter is omitted, full string coincidence is assumed.
V=Dlg.GetValue(ID,Type) Get misc. values of the current dialog.
ID - dialog element number (elements are numbered starting with 1; 0 - is the dialog windows itself).
Type - type of the value to get, depending on the type of the element. For the dialog windows itself (ID=0) the following values are allowed:
TypeVar typeDescription
0NumberNumber of elements in the dialog
6NumberID of the current element that has the keyboard focus
For dialog elements the following values are allowed:
TypeVar typeElementDescription
0NumberCheckBoxState of the checkbox
0NumberRadioButtonsState of the radio button
0StringListBoxValue of the current list item
0StringComboBoxValue of the current list item
0StringOtherTextual value (the FarDialogItem.Data field)
1NumberAllElement type
2NumberAllX1 relative to the dialog window
3NumberAllY1 relative to the dialog window
4NumberAllX2 relative to the dialog window
5NumberAllY2 relative to the dialog window
6NumberAlldoes the element has focus?
7NumberCheckBoxState of the checkbox
7NumberRadioButtonsState of the radio button
7StringListBoxCurrent position in the list (first list item = 1)
7StringComboBoxCurrent position in the list (first list item = 1)
8NumberAllElement flags
9NumberAllA flag that specifies that the given dialog element is the "default element".
10StringOtherTextual value (the FarDialogItem.Data field)
Returns -1 if ID is bigger than the number of elements in the dialog or the value of Type is not supported.
V=Editor.Set(Idx,Var) Change settings of the current editor instance.
IndexVar TypeDescription
0NumberTab size
1NumberExpand tabs
2NumberPersistent blocks
3NumberDel removes blocks
5NumberAutodetect character table
6NumberCreate new files in WIN encoding
7NumberCursor beyond end of line
8NumberBackSpace behaviour (TechInfo #13)
9NumberRepresentation of the character under cursor in the status line (TechInfo #32)
10NumberSave file position
11NumberSave bookmarks
12StringWord delimiters (TechInfo #1)
13NumberEditorF7Rules (TechInfo #18)
14NumberAllowEmptySpaceAfterEof (TechInfo #67)
The value of Var can be -1, in this case the function will not change any settings and will return the current state of the option.
Returns the previous value of the option or -1 if wrong arguments are given.
For example, a macro that moves the selected block one line down:
$IClip CtrlX %a=Editor.Set(2,1); Down CtrlV %a=Editor.Set(2,%a);
V=Editor.Sel(Action[,Opt]) Function allows manipulations with blocks in the text (in editor, input strings in dialogs, command line).
0get parameters of the current block
0return the string number of the block start
1return the position number of string of the block start
2return the string number of the block end
3return the position number of string of the block end
4return the type of highlighted block: 0 - block is not highlighted, 1 - regular block, 2 - vertical block (alternative way is Editor.State)
1place cursor within current block (block state is not changed during cursor placement)
0place cursor to the start of the highlighted block
1place cursor to the end of the highlighted block
2set block positions
0set block start position
1set block end position
Позицией начала/конца блока считается текущая позиция курсора. Блок помечается только после указания конечной позиции (Opt=1), с ранее выделенного блока пометка снимается. Если позиция начала и конца блока совпадают, то эта операция равносильна снятию пометки блока.
3установка позиций вертикального блока
0отметить позицию начала вертикального блока
1отметить позицию конца вертикального блока
Позицией начала/конца блока считается текущая позиция курсора. Блок помечается только после указания конечной позиции (Opt=1), с ранее выделенного блока пометка снимается. Если позиция начала и конца блока совпадают, то эта операция равносильна снятию пометки блока.
4снять выделение с блока
Параметр Opt игнорируется.
Всегда возвращается 1.
В случае ошибки (в т.ч. функция вызвана не из "редактора") возвращаемое значение равно 0, иначе 1. Для Action=0 возвращается запрошенное значение.
Например, повторим некоторые сочетания клавиш из Turbo-сред (макрос на сочетание Ctrl-K):
$if(%k==B || %k==b || %k==CtrlB)
  $if(%k==K || %k==k || %k==CtrlK)
    $if((%k==C || %k==c || %k==CtrlC) && Selected)
      $if((%k==Y || %k==y || %k==CtrlY) && Selected)
Function Description
N=BM.Add() Добавить текущие параметры закладки и обрезать хвост
N=BM.Clear() Clear all bookmarks
N=BM.Del([Idx]) Удалить закладку с указанным индексом Idx (нумерация начинается с 1). Если параметр Idx не указан или равен 0 - удаляется текущая закладка.
N=BM.Get(Idx,M) Получить параметры закладки с индексом Idx (нумерация начинается с 1), Idx=0 - текущая закладка.
M parameter can have these values:
0координаты строки (начиная с 1)
1координаты колонки (начиная с 1)
2позиция, соответствующая первому видимому символу текста на экране слева
3номер строки, соответствующей первой видимой строке текста на экране
N=BM.Next() Jump to the next bookmark
N=BM.Prev() Jump to the previous bookmark
N=BM.Stat([M]) Get bookmark information.
M parameter can have these values:
0current number of bookmarks
Bookmark handling example:


  1. Bookmark functions BM.XXX() are available only within the editor.
  2. Function arguments given in square brackets may be omitted. See default values in function description.
  3. It is impossible to use macro-language elements while recording a macro in a usual way. Macro-language elements can be added to the sequence only by editing the registry manually or by using special applications or FAR plugins.