Dialog API Messages
Messages | Description | |
DM_ADDHISTORY | add an item to the history | |
DM_CLOSE | a signal that the dialog is about to close | |
DM_EDITUNCHANGEDFLAG | controlling the "unchanged" state of a text input box | |
DM_ENABLE | enable or disable a dialog item or to determine if a dialog item is enabled | |
DM_ENABLEREDRAW | enable or disable dialog redrawing | |
DM_GETCHECK | retrieve the state of DI_CHECKBOX or DI_RADIOBUTTON items | |
DM_GETCOMBOBOXEVENT | determine the state of event sending for an open combo box | |
DM_GETCURSORPOS | get cursor position | |
DM_GETCURSORSIZE | get cursor size | |
DM_GETDLGDATA | retrieve a data value associated with the dialog | |
DM_GETDLGITEM | retrieve complete information about a dialog item | |
DM_GETDLGRECT | retrieve the screen coordinates of the dialog window | |
DM_GETDROPDOWNOPENED | determine if there is an open combo box or history list in the dialog | |
DM_GETEDITPOSITION | get cursor position in edit controls | |
DM_GETFOCUS | retrieve the ID of the dialog item that has the keyboard focus | |
DM_GETITEMDATA | retrieve a data value associated with a dialog item | |
DM_GETITEMPOSITION | retrieve the size and position of a dialog item | |
DM_GETSELECTION | retrieve selection parameters in dialog edit lines | |
DM_GETTEXT | retrieve the text of an edit string or the caption of an item | |
DM_GETTEXTLENGTH | get text string length | |
DM_GETTEXTPTR | retrieve the text of an edit string or the caption of a dialog item | |
DM_KEY | and a key codes array to the dialog manager | |
DM_LISTADD | add new item to a list | |
DM_LISTADDSTR | add a string to a list | |
DM_LISTDELETE | delete list items | |
DM_LISTFINDSTRING | find list item | |
DM_LISTGETCURPOS | get current position in a list | |
DM_LISTGETDATA | retrieve a data value associated with a list item | |
DM_LISTGETDATASIZE | retrieve the size of the data value associated with a list item | |
DM_LISTGETITEM | retrieve a list item | |
DM_LISTGETTITLES | retrieve the titles of a list | |
DM_LISTINFO | retrieve information about a list | |
DM_LISTINSERT | insert an item to a list | |
DM_LISTSET | replace a list with new list items | |
DM_LISTSETCURPOS | set position in a list | |
DM_LISTSETDATA | set the data value associated with a list item | |
DM_LISTSETMOUSEREACTION | set the behavior for handling mouse movement in a DI_LISTBOX | |
DM_LISTSETTITLES | set list titles | |
DM_LISTSORT | sort list items | |
DM_LISTUPDATE | update a list item | |
DM_MOVEDIALOG | move the dialog | |
DM_REDRAW | redraw the whole dialog | |
DM_RESIZEDIALOG | change dialog size | |
DM_SET3STATE | change the style of a DI_CHECKBOX | |
DM_SETCHECK | change the state of DI_CHECKBOX and DI_RADIOBUTTON items | |
DM_SETCOMBOBOXEVENT | enable or disable the sending of DN_KEY or DN_MOUSEEVENT events for an open combo box | |
DM_SETCURSORPOS | set cursor position in a dialog item | |
DM_SETCURSORSIZE | set cursor size | |
DM_SETDLGDATA | associate a data vaule with the dialog | |
DM_SETDLGITEM | change a specified dialog item | |
DM_SETDROPDOWNOPENED | open or close a combo box or history list | |
DM_SETEDITPOSITION | set cursor position in edit controls | |
DM_SETFOCUS | set the keyboard focus to the given dialog item | |
DM_SETHISTORY | manage availability of history in edit lines | |
DM_SETITEMDATA | associate a data vaule with a dialog item | |
DM_SETITEMPOSITION | change position of a dialog item | |
DM_SETMAXTEXTLENGTH | set the maximum length of an edit string | |
DM_SETMOUSEEVENTNOTIFY | control initial non-altered mouse events | |
DM_SETSELECTION | select a block in dialog edit lines | |
DM_SETTEXT | set a new string value for an edit line or a new caption for an item | |
DM_SETTEXTPTR | set a new string value for an edit line or a new caption for an item | |
DM_SHOWDIALOG | show/hide the dialog window | |
DM_SHOWITEM | show/hide a dialog item | |
DM_USER | starting value for user defined messages |
See also: