
Far Manager


General purpose structures:

ActlEjectMedia Eject media
ActlKeyMacro Macro-oriented operations
CharTableSet Character tables
CmdLineSelect Command-line text selection/deselection
FarMenuItem Menu item
FarSetColors FAR Manager color scheme manipulations
FarStandardFunctions Useful functions from Far.exe
FARINT64 used to hold a 64 bit integer value.
KeySequence Description of a key code sequence
OpenPluginInfo Information about the current plugin instance
PluginInfo Information about a plugin module
PluginStartupInfo Various pieces of important plugin information
WindowInfo Information about the FAR Manager window

Panel plugin structures

InfoPanelLine One line in the info panel
KeyBarTitles Overrides function key labels in the key bar
PanelInfo Information about a Far panel
PanelMode Describes a panel view mode
PanelRedrawInfo Is used to redraw a panel
PluginPanelItem Information about an item in the emulated file system

Editor plugin structures

EditorBookMarks Information about bookmarks in the currently edited file
EditorColor Information about color regions
EditorConvertPos Conversion between real and screen positions of the cursor
EditorConvertText Text conversion between the OEM and the internal FAR character set
EditorGetString Editor line retrieval
EditorInfo Current Far editor state
EditorSaveFile Editor file saving
EditorSelect Text selection/deselection in the editor
EditorSetParameter Editor parameter control
EditorSetPosition Position control in the internal FAR editor
EditorSetString String control in the internal FAR editor

Dialog API structures

FarDialogEvent Information about dialog event
FarDialogItem Dialog item
FarDialogItemData Passing data to a dialog item
FarList The DI_LISTBOX list
FarListColors Describes color schemes for DI_COMBOBOX and DI_LISTBOX controls
FarListDelete Parameters for deletion from DI_COMBOBOX or DI_LISTBOX
FarListFind Search in a DI_COMBOBOX or DI_LISTBOX
FarListGetItem Retrieval of one element from a DI_COMBOBOX or DI_LISTBOX
FarListInfo Retrieval of information about a DI_COMBOBOX or DI_LISTBOX
FarListInsert Item insertion into a DI_COMBOBOX or DI_LISTBOX
FarListItem List item
FarListPos Positioning in the list
FarListItemData Association of a list item with data
FarListTitles Set or get list labels
FarListUpdate List item update data
OpenDlgPluginData Information about dialog and activated plugin item.

Viewer specific structures

ViewerInfo Current viewer state
ViewerMode Information about the current view mode
ViewerSelect Block selection in the internal viewer
ViewerSetPosition Position setting in the viewer
See also: