
Chord Cadenza

How To Update Keys and Modulate

This shows you how to update the keys of a ChordFile manually. This can be used instead of, or after using CalcKeys.

It does not change any of the chords of the ChordFile, except possibly the harmonic spelling of chord root notes (e.g. C# may be switched for Db).

If you regenerate the chords after changing keys, it may change some chords.

Open the ChordMap window

You can either:

  • Use PlayMap Menu > File > Load Project to load a Project containing a ChordFile.
  • Use PlayMap Menu > File > Load Project to load a Project without a ChordFile and follow the prompts to create an empty ChordFile.
  • Use PlayMap Menu > File > New Project to load a new Project and follow the prompts to create an empty ChordFile.

Update Keys

If you click anywhere in the Keys (Names) or Keys (Notes) pane of the ChordMap window, a context-sensitive submenu will appear. This will allow you to change or remove an existing key, or add a new key. All keys must be on a bar.

If the source you are using for your keys and chords is transposed relative the MidiFile or AudioFile, you should enter the keys in the Keys (Names) pane. Otherwise, you can enter the keys in either the Keys (Names) or Keys (Notes) pane. Either way, both panes will be updated together.

The ChordMap provides functions for transposing the chord names and keys, the chord notes and keys, or just the keys. This allows you to transpose the chord notes and keys at any time.

Save Keys

Keys will be saved when the ChordFile is saved using the Save or Save As Button in the ChordMap.