
Chord Cadenza

PlayMap Check Boxes


Check to scroll the map displays whenever the current position changes. Otherwise, only scroll when the left or right margin has been reached.


Check to emulate the Sustain SwichKey. This will also show the current status of the Sustain SwitchKey if assigned to the keyboard or pedal.


Check to emulate the KBChord SwichKey. This will also show the current status of the KBChord SwitchKey if assigned to the keyboard or pedal.

ManSync Chord Positioning

If checked, the chord positioning functions can be used from the Midi Keyboard.

Otherwise, unsynchronised audio play can be achieved using the NextBeat, NextBar, or NextChord SwitchKeys.

Capitalize Root Notes

Show root note of chord with caplital letter

Auto Capitalize Root Notes

Capitalize chord root note only if ChordMode set

Show Beats

Show beats as dotted lines

Show Chord Names

Show chord names on the right-hand pane

Show Chord Notes

Show chord notes on the right-hand pane

Show Tracks

Show notes from tracks selected on the TrackMap.

May be useful for playing bass or melodies.

Advisable to select only one track.

Show Relative Chords

If checked, relative chord names (e.g. I, IIImin) will be shown in the Chord Names Panel of the PlayMap.

Otherwise, absolute chord names will be displayed (e.g. C, Emin).

Show Chords

Show chords on main window.

Usually checked.

Note Display - Run Notes Across Chords

Choose whether to run notes across chords in Keyboard Mode.

Setting this means the note name is only displayed when the note changes.

Unsetting it means that all note names are displayed for every new chord.

It is recommended to leave this unset unless you are playing chords manually.