How To Improvise a Melody along with a MidiFile
The main idea here is to improvise a melody using the chords generated (or inputted) into this application.
The PlayMap makes this easier by displaying the chords, with note names or sol-fa notation, in a horizontal Midi Keyboard display. With practice, you can improve your improvisation skills by playing the chord notes and passing notes in different ways.
If you haven't already done so, load a Project containing a MidiFile and a ChordFile
(See How to Generate Chords from a MidiFile or How To Insert Keys and Chords from An External Source to find out how to create a ChordFile.)
Open The PlayMap
The PlayMap shows the current position in the MidiFile in a display that shows the generated chords rolling downwards as the music progresses. This makes it easier to improvise and play along with the MidiFile.
If possible, you should try to locate your keyboard below your computer screen, and resize the PlayMap so that your keyboard keys match the PlayMap display.
Select a Play Mode
There are two play modes available KeyboardMode and ChordMode .
These can be selected using the option buttons on the left-hand side of the PlayMap, or from a SwitchKey.
In both cases, the PlayMap will display the notes matching the pitches that will be played by the appropriate key on the Midi keyboard.
Keyboard Mode
With Keyboard Mode, the normal pitch from the Midi keyboard (subject to any transposition or octave shifting that you may have set) will be played. This gives you the freedom to play any notes, using the PlayMap as a guide.
Notes of the scale of the current key are shown on the bottom line. Chord notes are shown in a different colour on the lines above.
Chord Mode
With ChordMode, only the notes of the current chord on the white keys are played. This is easier to play, but does not allow non-chord notes to be played