
Chord Cadenza

TrackMap Tracks

Each track of the TrackMap contains a Control Panel and a Display Panel.

The Control Panel

This shows basic information about the track, and also allows various properties to be changed.

It contains these controls:

Top Row

Up or Down Arrow

Collapse the track.

Track Description

Displays the Midi Track Description or Title.

If this is updated, it will be saved in the MidiFile.

Style Display

Displays the Track Style

Middle Row

Channel Number Display

Show the midi channel number (C1 - C16).

Instrument Name

List for displaying and selecting the General Midi Instrument.


Check Box

CheckBox for selecting the track.

Selected tracks are used when the ChordMap is loaded.

They are also the tracks that will be shown in the PlayMap if the Show Tracks CheckBox is checked in the PlayMap.

'M' Button

Mute the track.

Colour changes from grey to red when muted.

'S' Button

Solo the track.

Mute all tracks except any that are solo'ed.

Colour changes from grey to blue when solo'ed.

Track Number Display

Shows the Midi Track Number preceded by 'T'.

If the track contains pitchbent notes, the text will be surrounded by a border.


Adjust Midi Volume or Pan level.

Use Pan and Vol buttons on main display to select whether volume or pan level is adjusted.

The Trk Panel

This is where the track notes are displayed.

Notes are displayed with the lowest 'C' at the bottom.

Any pitches that have had midi pitchbend applied are shown in blue.