
Chord Cadenza

PlayMap File Menu

New Project

Brings up a dialog to create a new Project.

Load Project

Load all Project files from the containing folder that have the same qualifier as the selected file.

ChordFiles can have the qualifier .chp0 to .chp9 inclusively. If there is more than one of these files present in the directory, a dialog will be shown to allow you to select which ChordFile you want to load.

You can also load a Project by dragging and dropping a file or folder onto the PlayMap, ChordMap, or TrackMap.

Recent Projects

Shows up to 10 recently loaded projects.

Select a project to load it.

Reload Project

Reload the current project.

Can be useful if you have added a file manually and want to reload the project.

Save Project

Save all of the files in a Project to disk.

Save Project As...

Save all of the files in a Project to a new location on disk.

Save Settings

Save Global Configuration Parameters

Saves any changes made to various global parameters (as opposed to parameters only associated with the current Project).

This involves saving the following files in the application directory:

  • ChordCadenza.ini (the main config file)
  • Switch.ini (SwitchKeys)
  • frmNMColors.ini (ChordMap colours)
  • frmSCColors.ini (PlayMap colours)
  • ChordCfg.ini (Chord generation parameters)
  • Chords.Ranks.ini (Chord Rank values)

Exit Application

Terminate the application.

The current settings will be saved, unless the option Prompt to Save Settings on Exit is set from the Miscellaneous Configurations Window.

Clicking the Close Button from the PlayMap will have the same effect.