How To Generate Chords from a MidiFile
If you haven't already done so, load a Project
This should contain at least a MidiFile (*.mid) of the piece of music you want to generate the chords for.
Open the ChordMap Window
If a ChordFile is present, but empty, you should get a warning about there being no notes in the ChordFile - click OK and continue.
If the ChordMap window is not visible, click the ChordMap Button on the PlayMap.
This will open the ChordMap window that shows, in the Midi pane, all of the notes in the MidiFile condensed into one track (excluding percussion and pitchbent notes).
The Chord Notes pane shows any chords that are in the ChordFile. You can clear this by clicking the Cut Button at the the top of the window.
Generate Chords
There are many options in the ChordMap window, but for now you can just take the default options and click the Generate Chords Button near the top of the window.
If you haven't generated or edited the keys yet, you should see a dialog asking whether you want to invoke CalcKeys. The keys are used by the chord generation algorithms. Unless you are sure the MidiFile keys are OK, you should select one of the CalcKeys options and then click Apply and Close from the CalcKeys window. More information about CalcKeys can be found here
This will generate the chords for the whole MidiFile, which will be displayed in the Chord Notes pane. The names of the chords will also be displayed in the text boxes near the bottom of the window.
Save Keys and Chords to a ChordFile
Click the Save Chords As... or Save Project Button to save the chords in the ChordFile.
The ChordFile (.chp0) will be saved in the same directory as the MidiFile (.mid).
It contains information about the chords and keys, as well as some miscellaneous information. It is the main file that is used by the program alongside a MidiFile.
It can be read or edited by a text file editor like Notepad, although manually editing the file is generally not recommended.
Further Information
More information about using the ChordMap can be found here.