Attributes for Controlling IviScope Simulation

CVI/LabWindows IVI Class Driver

Attributes for Controlling IviScope Simulation

Two sets of attributes exist for use with the IviScope Simulation Driver. The following table describes attributes that control behavior of the driver. Another table lists attributes that simulate the status of specific driver functions.

An IviScope Simulator Setup Dialog Box exists to help you configure the measurement simulation for the IviScope Simulator driver.

Attributes for Controlling IviScope Simulation

Name Data Type Access Applies To Description
INTERACTIVE_SIMULATION ViBoolean W N/A Specifies whether to set the driver to interactive mode. In interactive mode, the simulation driver provides you with pop-up user interface panels in which to enter information. Non-interactive mode is useful when you do not want the interactive panels to interrupt your test program.
SELF_TEST_CODE ViInt32 W N/A Specifies the self-test code. When the IviScope_self_test function is called, the self-test code parameter (second parameter) returns this value.
SELF_TEST_MSG ViString W N/A Specifies the self-test message. When the IviScope_self_test function is called, the self-test message parameter (third parameter) returns this string.
ERROR_QUERY_CODE ViInt32 W N/A Specifies the error-query code. When the IviScope_error_query function is called, the error-query code parameter (second parameter) returns this value.
ERROR_QUERY_MSG ViString W N/A Specifies the error-query message. When the IviScope_error_query function is called, the error-query message parameter (third parameter) returns this string.
DRIVER_REV_QUERY ViString W N/A Specifies the instrument driver revision message. When the IviScope_revision_query function is called, the instrument driver revision message parameter (second parameter) returns this string.
INSTR_REV_QUERY ViString W N/A Specifies the firmware revision message. When the IviScope_revision_query function is called, the firmware revision message parameter (third parameter) returns this string.
WAVEFORM ViInt32 W Channel Specifies the waveform to simulate at the selected channel.

Defined Values:

FREQUENCY ViReal64 W Channel Specifies the frequency of the waveform to simulate at the selected channel. This attribute does not affect simulation behavior when the NISSCOPE_ATTR_WAVEFORM attribute is set to 6(DC).

Valid Range:

100.0 to 15.0E6 Hz
AMPLITUDE ViReal64 W Channel Specifies the peak-to-peak amplitude of the waveform to simulate at the selected channel. This attribute does not affect simulation behavior when the NISSCOPE_ATTR_WAVEFORM attribute is set to 6(DC).

Valid Range:

50.0E–3 to 10.0 VPP
DC_OFFSET ViReal64 W Channel Specifies the DC offset of the waveform to simulate at the selected channel.

Valid Range:

–5.0 to 5.0 V
DUTY_CYCLE ViReal64 W Channel Specifies the duty cycle to simulate for a square waveform at the selected channel. This attribute affects simulation behavior only when the NISSCOPE_ATTR_WAVEFORM attribute is set to 2(Square).

Valid Range:

20.0 to 80.0 percent
PHASE_SHIFT ViReal64 W Channel Specifies the start phase shift to simulate for a waveform at the selected channel. This attribute does not affect simulation behavior when the NISSCOPE_ATTR_WAVEFORM attribute is set to 6(DC).

Valid Range:

0.0 to 360.0 degrees
SNR ViReal64 W Channel Specifies the signal-to-noise ratio to simulate at the selected channel. The signal-to-noise ratio determines the amount of noise to simulate during waveform acquisition.

Valid Range:

0.001 to +inf
SIMULATE_STATUS_CODE ViBoolean W N/A Specifies whether to simulate return codes from the IviScope driver functions. Refer to the IviScope Attributes for Status Simulation table.

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