
CVI/LabWindows IVI Class Driver


IviDmmBase Capability Group

C Function Prototype

ViStatus IviDmm_ConfigureMeasurement (ViSession vi, ViInt32 function, ViReal64 range, ViReal64 resolution);


Configures the common attributes of the DMM. These attributes include the measurement function, maximum range, and the resolution of the DMM.

If the value of the range parameter is IVIDMM_VAL_AUTO_RANGE_ON, then the resolution parameter is ignored and the IVIDMM_ATTR_RESOLUTION_ABSOLUTE attribute is not set.


Name Type Description
vi ViSession The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviDmm_init or IviDmm_InitWithOptions functions. The handle identifies a particular IVI session.
function ViInt32 Pass the measurement function you want the DMM to perform. The driver sets the IVIDMM_ATTR_FUNCTION attribute to this value.

Defined Values

range ViReal64 Pass the measurement range you want to use. The driver sets the IVIDMM_ATTR_RANGE attribute to this value. Use positive values to represent the absolute value of the maximum expected measurement. The value must be in units appropriate for the measurement function. For example, when you set the measurement function to IVIDMM_VAL_DC_VOLTS, you must specify the range in volts. Setting this parameter to 10.0 configures the DMM to measure DC voltages from –10.0 to +10.0 volts. The driver reserves special negative values for controlling the DMM auto-ranging capability.

Defined Values

resolution ViReal64 Pass the measurement resolution you want to use. Express this value in absolute units. The driver sets the IVIDMM_ATTR_RESOLUTION_ABSOLUTE attribute to this value. Setting this parameter to lower values increases the measurement accuracy and decreases the measurement speed. Setting this parameter to higher values decreases the measurement accuracy and increases the measurement speed.

Return Values